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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. W

    Chilling My Ag

    Thanks Fents , I save and re-use the water as we are no better off in S.A .. I Even considered running 2 plate chillers in tandem to speed things up . Heaps of copper is probably a better option .
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    My First Ag - Biab

    Looks the goods ...Top Effort MXD! Isn't this Brewing Addictive... Everyone seems to be getting into AG Woody
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    Chilling My Ag

    Bribie wouldn't it be easier to just get the lsat few degree down in the fermenter or are there other benefits.... Wpouldn't I have to recalc all my recipes to No Chill.... Never done it !
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    Chilling My Ag

    Hi Bowie , what was your Wort temp when you pitched I wouldn't have thought that would have been the issue. I usually pitch @ 19 with 04 or o5 andits usually going nuts by morning 10-12 hours. May have just been some shitty yeast Only thing i make sure of is the yeast is the same temp as the...
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    Chilling My Ag

    Screwy your water must be around 22 degrees ! I though I had issues with my plate chiller and was throttling back the flow of my Wort and it was no better until I measured the temperature of my tap water. I had no idea it was that hot....... Bloody Adelaide Summers! No matter waht I do I can't...
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    Chilling My Ag

    Cheers Dave I am pulling it down the last few degrees in the fermenting fridge! Is this the best every one gets and is there an issue with it taking another 4-5 hours down to pitching from 31. I was considering recirculating back to my kettle to say 40 degrees chilling down 60 litres of water...
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    Chilling My Ag

    Just finished an Australian Pale Ale, Hit all my temps and went really well. The only issue I have is I can only chill down to 31.5 degrees through My plate chiller. I checked the temp of my water today and it is 31 degrees out of the tap. I guess I need to look down the chilled water path ...
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    Using Bottled Water For Brew Instead Of Boiled Water?

    Just use a couple of John Guest Fittings into a $15 filter and straight in. No messing around and filters all the nasties. I just plug my Brewery in with a food grade hose and have the filter fitted to the brewery unlimited filtered water. Woody
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    Grain And Grape Fridge Thermostat

    Correct QLDKev, I do not believe the G& G does this and le's face it it will make your Fridge /Freezer last longer.
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    Grain And Grape Fridge Thermostat

    I don't agree with this but each to their own and you can adjust a digital version to calibrate. As Matt stated the primary function is for fermentation I would go Tempmate and you do not get anywhere near that variation from my experience. Matt I know it seems daunting but there would be...
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    Grain And Grape Fridge Thermostat

    Matt I have a fridgemate and tempmate. My advice would be if you love your brewing and see it as an ongoing hobby spend the money and get a tempmate even if you have to pay someone to set it up for you and I would say it would cost much more than what you are looking at . I am sure there would...
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    Hlt Controller

    I am with you Pumpy I feel like a dummy just looking at the pictures !!! Bloody awesome!
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    System Upgrade

    The only thing I would say Crusty is when i looked into getting my system it was important to me to still be able to brew a single batch to perfect my brewing styles. for that reason I went with the 50Litre Tun and 70 litre kettle. I would say with that setup from my little experience you would...
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    Hlt Options

    Thanks Sav , So you basically only use the Herms to get to temp from protein rest o Mash Temp! So you don't continue to recirculate through the mash... HLT is getting Sparge water ready and then you use the HE to get to Mash out then Sparge.
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    Hlt Options

    Screwy is this what you have that gets you to Mash temp in 15 min? How fast are you recirculating ? e.g 1/2 or full open on the Ball Valve Woody
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    Hlt Options

    Can anyone help with whether I should go 3 Phase.??
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    Hlt Options

    Thats my dilema Screwy! I thought that I would stay with what I have and move on to Herms next But the more I read about Herms setups the more I get confused about the best way to go! So due to not knowing the best way to go with Herms neither I thought I would post this and look to the best...
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    Hlt Options

    Thanks Raven , I am going to have to address the power issue anyway once I go Herms,. Just want to know the best way to go about it and any drawbacks if any. Then would probably sell the keggle.
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    Hlt Options

    Guys I am looking for some opinions ans direction on the best way forward on a HLT and Power supply. I currently have a Keggle with a 2000W element but want to increase my heated water supply to a 70 litre vessel.Stainless Steel. I would like to know eithe 2x 2400W or 1x 3600W and what sort of...
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    Wyeast 3944

    So be patient hey !!!! I am adding criander and orange peel to the boil with Hallertauer and Hersbrucker ..... The smells .................I am in love ... Thanks guys!