I noticed some cones on my first year chinook the other day..
..suprising because the base of the plant looks pretty eaten or something..
Had to put up a little wire fence to stop all the neighbourhood cats stratching and crapping in there.
My first year cascade looks a lot healthier and...
Hey GMK, dont suppose you have the recipe that was used?
I find the blue mountain lager to be very nice with 1kg Light Dry Malt Extract and some cascade hops, goes well with the US-56 yeast.
I have heard oxidised beer tastes like wet cardboard, is this an accurate description so that I can look out for it? (Had already transported the keg the other day).
Think I might pick up a portable keg charger or some sort just to purge like you suggested. I clean the kegs at my parents house...
I have moved into a small unit where I dont have any taps outside etc to wash out fermenters so I brew at my parents then stick it in a keg and transport the keg to my unit to stick in the fridge.
My first question: Is it ok to transport my filled keg without purging the headspace with CO2 in...