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Just some quick beer related tales for the pub.

4 weeks ago I bought an old motorcycle in New York with no real plan except to have fun, see some of the US and it's breweries.
I'm currently in Silicon Valley waiting for a plane back to NY.

I'd say my new beers tasted tally has increased by a good 50 or so.

Standout breweries for me were Beaver Street brewery and whistlestop in Flasgstaff Az, Mountainview in Utah near Zion, and Rouge in Portland.

Dogfish Head in Delaware is not really in the competition. My good mates there had me stay, and it was a struggle to leave after a few days. All the great beer and free merchandise. But the road called.

But the best part of the trip was meeting a attractive young lass in the high desert of new mexico at a small pub. She noticed my Dogfish Head T-shirt and started to chat. Turns out she is a homebrewer and does BIAB! Needless to say the Aussie charm was in full effect and I was soon back at her place inspecting her setup and explaining that I was actually the Grasshopper and second BIAB brewer unser the expert tutelage of BIAB guru PistolPatch. Next I extolled the virtues of No Chill which she greatly liked the idea of.

In her kitchen was keggerator. On tap was an arrogant ******* clone.

Of course next thing I know, my trip is temporarily on hold and I'm on a plane with her to Portland Oregon where we spent 5 days sampling beers at every pub and brewery we could.

Anyway, the trip eventually resumed. The grand canyon and Zion national park are spectacular. As is Death Valley. And the California coast is alot like and old friend reminding me of home.

Sorry to have missed the Qld Xmas case swap for another year. But I think it was worth it.

At Rogue in portland


Near Zion at a brewery. View was sensational.

Camping in the canyons of the high desert. This was the rig that took me 5000+ miles


Guess who?
I was soon back at her place inspecting her setup

snigger snigger chortle chortle! :lol:
Seriously though, sounds like a great time. Love the shot of the bike n tent in the desert.
Did you lubricate her keg in post? :unsure:

Sounds like an awesome trip, and giddy up!

Sounds too good to be true... But man, what a blast!
But the best part of the trip was meeting a attractive young lass in the high desert of new mexico at a small pub. She noticed my Dogfish Head T-shirt and started to chat. Turns out she is a homebrewer and does BIAB! Needless to say the Aussie charm was in full effect and I was soon back at her place inspecting her setup and explaining that I was actually the Grasshopper and second BIAB brewer unser the expert tutelage of BIAB guru PistolPatch. Next I extolled the virtues of No Chill which she greatly liked the idea of.

In her kitchen was keggerator. On tap was an arrogant ******* clone.

Of course next thing I know, my trip is temporarily on hold and I'm on a plane with her to Portland Oregon where we spent 5 days sampling beers at every pub and brewery we could.



Seriously, you need to come home, our beers don't contain such mind altering substances :lol:

Who's the chico in the pic with her? don't try and tell me that's you without your dreads.


PS: Did you show her a pic of your Brewbot
Woohoo,, go buddy ...I think even Pat would of missed the swap for a biab brewing chicky ... good score ...

good ride ...5000 miles is a good haul ..and a great way to see the US...

you lucky bugger ...

Seriously, you need to come home, our beers don't contain such mind altering substances :lol:

Who's the chico in the pic with her? don't try and tell me that's you without your dreads.

PS: Did you show her a pic of your Brewbot

The bike actually broke down, which allowed me to stay at her place a while longer. I joked that she must have a had a voodoo doll of the bike that she was sticking pins into. But I think it was just fate was conspiring against me.

The bloke in the pic is one of the guys she works with. My skin doesn't tan that well mate.

She doesn't like the idea of the brewbot and likes doing everything herself by hand. We'll see how she feels after AG 100 brews.

I see if I can find a pic with me and her. In the meantime here is a halloween pic. Dressed as a german beer wench, on her knees beer in hand about to suck a boob. Does it get any better?

OMFG Zizzle, she sounds (and looks) awesome! What a great trip. I am insanely jealous. Can't blame you for missing the Case Swap. Can you bring her over for the July swap at Winkles ;-)

Cheers - Snow.
Another highlight I forgot to mention:

Joe from Dogfish Head packed me up with as much beer as I could carry when I left Delaware at the start of the trip.

His theory was that I didn't have much carrying capacity on the bike, so he had to give me all his big beers.

It turn out that most of the big beers were also very well aged. The highlight for me was the 2004 World Wide Stout which I believe weighs in at %18 ABV.

After carting it about 1000 miles on the back of the bike I finally cracked in late one night after setting up camp in the dark on the Mississippi


I had the 2008 version the night before, and the extra age really did the beer justice.

I also had a nicely aged dogfish head raison d'extra but for some reason my tasting notes were a bit thin while on the road.

When you inspected her setup, I hope you kept everything sterilized :p

Great thread Zizzle, I'm bald with envy. You skiting *******! :lol:


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