You wouldn't want a warm beer

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My last keg of IPA just sat on the garage floor and I served out of a bronco tap at around 13 degrees. Perfect.
I was trying to untangle the beer lines in my kegerator and forgot to put the English Ale back in the fridge with the Dunkel. Couple of days later went to have a beer and noticed it sitting there in the shed. I added a hose with a tap and pulled a pint.

Got to love Melbourne winters. Beer was at about 10c and delicious.

Was thinking about increasing the kegerator from 7c to 10c but I have a Dunkel in there and it is already ridiculously easy to drink without making it sculling temp.
Ah these golden months of brewing. Even here in the sub tropics we get (if in a brick and tile garage with concrete floor) pretty well guaranteed cellar temperatures from May to October.
malt & barley blues said:
The one main thing you missed out ian it is flat warm beer, that is the main reason they can be knocked back, I would like to see the pubs which serve English ales install a beer engine and get rid of the carbonated kegs.
Nice one.... Mind you, I have downed the yard of bottled light ale in 12 seconds.... Pints cost me under 2 seconds.... Yes, I'm a greedy pig.
Yeah. It's actually embarrassing in social situations where I'm knocking back the beers quick and fast while people are still on that first one. Old habit from P plate days, get the beers in quick before staying on water for the next as many hours as beers drunk. Then drive home.

My kegerator sits at 5C. Perfect for me to pour and carry the beer to the kitchen and sit it around while I cook dinner.

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