You Teach A Man To Brew And He.....

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Not a Beer God
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hahahaha this is a classic. had vicelore come round my house yesterday to watch and help me brew. standard brew day, knock out 60L's, drink piss, eat food and watch the cricket on the back deck whilst brewing.

everything went ace. mashed in, mashed out, sparged, boiled, ate, drank and watched teh cricket of course.

sent him home with 20L's no chilled into his fermenter of liquid gold APA, he was a very very happy man....until i get this text message on my phone just now almost 24hrs later..

" hey man you wont belive what happened to my beer, im so pissed off! "

now im a betting man and i pretty much guessed what happened before he could reply with...

" i tried to turn it and as it turned in the car the tap popped off and it flooded the front of my car i was soooo f%$king pissed it was like at 7am this morning.."

deary me...20l's of non fermented APA in the front of a car, that ones gonna take a while to clear hahahahahaha

sorry for laughing and posting it on here bro, you'll see the funny side one day and hey if it happens to save one other person from the same mistake...

biggups for a stella day vice your a very quick learner and a good bloke to boot.
hahahaha this is a classic. had vicelore come round my house yesterday to watch and help me brew. standard brew day, knock out 60L's, drink piss, eat food and watch the cricket on the back deck whilst brewing.

everything went ace. mashed in, mashed out, sparged, boiled, ate, drank and watched teh cricket of course.

sent him home with 20L's no chilled into his fermenter of liquid gold APA, he was a very very happy man....until i get this text message on my phone just now almost 24hrs later..

" hey man you wont belive what happened to my beer, im so pissed off! "

now im a betting man and i pretty much guessed what happened before he could reply with...

" i tried to turn it and as it turned in the car the tap popped off and it flooded the front of my car i was soooo f%$king pissed it was like at 7am this morning.."

deary me...20l's of non fermented APA in the front of a car, that ones gonna take a while to clear hahahahahaha

sorry for laughing and posting it on here bro, you'll see the funny side one day and hey if it happens to save one other person from the same mistake...

biggups for a stella day vice your a very quick learner and a good bloke to boot.

I wonder how that'll smell on a hot day?
Yes... such a pitty lol

7 am this morning. Leaving my GFs house, on my way off to buy some yeast for my lovely new brew, thaught id just straighten it a little to keep that air lock pointing up. start the car up and hear " gulp gulp gulp gulp commin from the air lock, and i was like wtf!!! I had to stop the car run around it, quickly grab the fementer from the puddle, now quite deep then also try get into the house,that by this time i had locked myself out of !! so into the puddle went all the floor matts in the car. I was chuckin anything in there to soak it up.. I eventaly got inside the house and grabed a few towles..

Wasnt a happy chapp!!

Cheers vice

Tapless no chill cubes ftw.

your not gonna belive this but his fermenter was tapless.....until i made him put a tap in! i said mate how you gonna get that beer out after you've fermented it?

well it was the blind leading the sober so i take no responsibilty ;) next time we'll leave that plug in hahahahaha.

edit - looks like he saved half maybe 10L's.
Looks like you saved some at least

Have to :lol:

Sorry but its funny when it happens to others (no injury except pride)

There was a bit left but it was dirty as fark.. i nearly turned the fementer upside down to stop it pouring out.

Just gives me an excuse to get my mash tun tonight and try get another down ASAP :)

Cheers vice.
deary me...20l's of non fermented APA in the front of a car, that ones gonna take a while to clear hahahahahaha

looking on the bright side, yer lucky you hadn't yet pitched yeast. the inside of your car would've looked liked like a belgian farmhouse 6mo. down the track, no matter how many times you steam clean the interior.

ahahahahahahahahahha eerr sorry man.

Yes... such a pitty lol

7 am this morning. Leaving my GFs house, on my way off to buy some yeast for my lovely new brew

You left your GF and took your lovely new brew to buy yeast is this correct. Seek Help!

Sorry to hear about your disaster though.

You left your GF and took your lovely new brew to buy yeast is this correct. Seek Help!

Sorry to hear about your disaster though.


She left at 5 for work.. thats why i was up so early.. But yea i was eager to get this fementing..

Cheers vice
sprinkle some yeast on the carpet and bottle what you can squeeze out in a week or so ;)
Use a brett strain, mmmm barnyard.
you realise that you will never be able to sell your car to an A.A. member.
you realise that you will never be able to sell your car to an A.A. member.

HAHA.. it really came up alright. i used some heavy duty stain remover after a bucket of soap went in lol..

The beer smell is gone its just a chemical carpet stench now.. been driving with both front windows down all day lol.

Cheers vice
HAHA.. it really came up alright. i used some heavy duty stain remover after a bucket of soap went in lol..

The beer smell is gone its just a chemical carpet stench now.. been driving with both front windows down all day lol.

Cheers vice

You could have saved yourself the probs with cleanup, and just called me. I like nothing better than licking carpet, particularly if it's beer flavoured. :unsure:
This'll be different butters... you'll have to kneel down for this carpet!
Maybe wait till its fermented a bit butters! :lol:
Hi Vicelore,

Hope you have the last 10 litres in a nice cool place for the ferment??



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