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Brew Dude
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On the weekend I did my second AG - BIAB Kev's Bitter

Brew was basically what I could get my hands on at short notice.
4.5kg Ale Malt
40g POR 60min
20g Cluster 20min
20g Cluster 10min
No Whir/KoppaFloc

Ok brew went well, OG 1034 Pre-Boil

I added a BrewCellar Premium Ale Yeast @20 degrees, and set fermenting at 18c.

Now I have done Kits for many years, but have never noticed the yeast to look like the attached pics?
Is this normal for AG? I'm thinking of giving it a stir through.

(Sorry about the crappy pic)

Smell = Honey
Taste = Sweet Grainy, slight buttery flavour (as expected at this stage) no off flavours
Gravity = 1.042, down from 1.048

I sanatised the spoon and gave it a mix, loks a lot more normal.

Also my son did just mention he did not stir the yeast in when he added it. Teaches me for getting side tracked wen brewing.

I guess I'm over reacting being a noob AG.
My guess she is fine stop looking at it an RDWAHAHB :)
shitshockhorror.....FAN levels high enough that you actually get a decent krausen....quell horreur., he says with back of palm dramatically lifted to the forehead...... :rolleyes:

edit...bad spelling ruining the otherwise fine sarcasm....
Off topic: What's that smell? oh it is my crappy beer.
I like the link at the bottom Butters.

Back on topic.

Yeasts behave different almost every time and different yeasts behave really different. :huh:

The off smells are normal.
It might be worth raising this one to around 20 Degrees for the last couple of days to get rid of all the honey.

One good thing the yeast is active
I hope I never see my yeast doing that but, I had to clean out a fermenter today that I used coopers pale ale yeast in, and it took some serious scrubbing.
Using US-05 as I normaly do the scum just rinses off mostly
I am a yeast noob
Yeasts behave different almost every time and different yeasts behave really different. :huh:

Ain't that the truth. I have used 1056 for two brews in succession. both of which the krausen wouldn't drop out without racking. One of these had a yeast cake that was just loose and wouldn't flock out much at all. The other had a yeast cake that went lumpy and flocked out really well. Both the same generation yeast. Both tasting great.

Don't worry too much about how it looks, rather trust the taste as others have said.

At least your boy put the yeast in; mine would have dropped in some gravel or whatever else he could find if he had the chance. :eek: :lol:

Ain't that the truth. I have used 1056 for two brews in succession. both of which the krausen wouldn't drop out without racking. One of these had a yeast cake that was just loose and wouldn't flock out much at all. The other had a yeast cake that went lumpy and flocked out really well. Both the same generation yeast. Both tasting great.

Don't worry too much about how it looks, rather trust the taste as others have said.

At least your boy put the yeast in; mine would have dropped in some gravel or whatever else he could find if he had the chance. :eek: :lol:

Like some snot perhaps gavo? Or at least sneezed all over it? Wasn't it your wee tacker that did that once? :lol:

Tell you what though, with the fearsome lurgey we all have unfortunately had a turn at lately, when lifting the lid I don't know whether to hold my breath or what and when I do actually to take a whiff I can't smell anything at all! :unsure:

Agreed though, can't taste the looks, can we? Its probably the most reliable metric is taste.
Like some snot perhaps gavo? Or at least sneezed all over it? Wasn't it your wee tacker that did that once? :lol:

:icon_offtopic: Certainly was my boy. Just keep him away from the open fermenter and all is good. :lol:
