Hi all,
I put down a IPA with an OG of 1062 on Sunday and pitched 1332 from a 2l starter. I checked the SG yesterday and it was at 1020, this is roughly what it should be ending at according to Beersmith. I am looking at transferring to secondary for a dry hop but the krausen is still massive, is it okay to transfer even though the krausen hasn't dropped back in?
Man this yeast is crazy... 3 days and fermentation is basically complete, it really goes like a steam train on a war path.. My initial taste out of the fermenter was very pleasant. Anyone else have experience with this yeast they would like to share?
I put down a IPA with an OG of 1062 on Sunday and pitched 1332 from a 2l starter. I checked the SG yesterday and it was at 1020, this is roughly what it should be ending at according to Beersmith. I am looking at transferring to secondary for a dry hop but the krausen is still massive, is it okay to transfer even though the krausen hasn't dropped back in?
Man this yeast is crazy... 3 days and fermentation is basically complete, it really goes like a steam train on a war path.. My initial taste out of the fermenter was very pleasant. Anyone else have experience with this yeast they would like to share?