No one else has posted it so I will
__________________________________________________________ American Pale Ale Challenge Results
1st Silver - Kevin teWierik (Victoria - UOB Graduate)
2nd Silver Beechworth Brewery (Victoria)
3rd Bronze Bootleg Brewery (WA)
4th Bronze Ben Landsberry (WA ECU brewing student)
31 Entries Total
These beers were judged at professional standard with no ease to homebrewers. Some were very drinkable but did not fit style. The 31 beers were judged by the best of the best:
Alex Troncoso: American Pale Ale Specialist WBC/PRBS/BrewNZ Judge.
Roger Bussell: Beer Guru and past Chief Judge....
Hugh Dunn: Beer Brain and past Chief Judge.....
The judges were given numbered ID samples. They only had a number to ID the beer. At the end of judging, the four beers that scored medals were then sampled again. Kevin teWierik and Beechworth were pretty much tied with Kevin teWierik beer narrowly winning the Challenge. Kevin teWierik a home brewer, brewed exceptionally well to win the title. Both Beechworth and Bootleg brewery scored medals which they consistently do in commercial judging at AIBA, PRBS and SRBC. They were both gold medal winners two weeks ago at AIBA with different style of beers. Upcoming brewer Ben Landsberry also performed well wining a bronze.
I estimate that only about 30% of beers entered in commercial beer awards win medals. Winning a medal is very good.
The top four brewers will all be contacted and receive prizes. All entries will have their judges feedback posted. I have to do 4 brews this week so it might take a week to sort them.
(More information about the top entries and brewers will be published this week).
Brewers have passion for their beers. Unfortunately with passion also comes pain. When brewers are disappointed with their results it can be painful. When I first entered Nail Ale in the AIBA in 2001, it won no medal. It was painful because the dream was that I was to win it. It was a drinkable ale but not to medal standard. I read the judges feedback and improved Nail Ale to get bronze the next year. The last two years Nail Ale has got gold at AIBA. A long road and a lot of learning. I continuously give my beers to brewers with better palettes. I even send beers interstate for feedback. I havent got the best palette but my ears are a good palette.
Beer is judged by style and scored to how it fits to style. Many beers entered were drinkable beers but scored bad as they did not fit the style American Pale Ale (See Judging sheet below). If youre getting your beer judged then make sure it fits the style right. One beer judged was a very good Belgian Strong Ale but scored bad as it did not fit an American Pale Ale. Many beers judged lacked the strong US Hop Character.
Im lucky to continuously get Hugh Dunns constructive feedback. He taught me a good way to test beers is to have two at once. For example today I had a Bootleg Stout and a Nail Stout. Tasting them together help points stand out more. Bootlegs Stout tasted better with slightly more body which I will work on when I brew tomorrow. I also find this very effective with same beers from different batches. I like to taste the latest batch of Nail Ale with the batch before. Its a good way of refining a brand. I recommend brewers that entered the APA Challenge to taste their beer at the same time against beers like Little Creatures, Beechworth and Bootlegs pale ale.
BELOW: Judging Sheet
Style Guidelines General
American pale ales range from deep golden to copper in color. The style is characterized by fruity, floral and citrus-like
American-variety hop character producing high hop bitterness, flavor, and aroma. Note that floral and citrus-like
American-variety hop character is the perceived end, but may be a result of the skillful use of hops of other national
origins. American pale ales have medium body and low to medium maltiness. Low caramel character is allowable.
Fruity-ester flavor and aroma should be moderate to strong. Diacetyl should be absent or present at very low levels.
A good example of an American Pale Ale is Little Creatures Pale Ale.
APA Specifications
Original Gravity (Plato):
1.044-1.050 (11-12.5 Plato)
Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (Plato):
1.008-1.014 (2-3.5 Plato)
Alcohol by Weight (Volume):
3.5-4.3% (4.5-5.5%) (BJCP 6.2%alc has been allowed)
Bitterness (IBU): 28-40
Color SRM (EBC): 6-14 (12-28 EBC)
Head & Retention /3
Ester /5
Flavour & Body
Fermentation products
Body /6
Technical Quality /3
Style /3
Total /20