Wtf Are Tram Scrolls?

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
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I have recently become aware of a silly thing called Tram Scrolls which are all the rage, apparently. For just over $100 you can get a board printed in Helvetica with tram or bus destinations on it and proudly display it.



could someone please in words of less than 3 syllables tell me what friggin attraction these objects hold for normal people, what the friggin point is, and whether this is just for lobotomised people who would have, in previous eras, have collected pet rocks and talked to them?

Wrong planet methinks :blink:
Now now, Bribes...someone could just as easily ask the same about a whole forum dedicated to the photography of terrace houses... :ph34r:

Diffrn't strokes and all that...
I don't mind them. Reckon they look alright. They even showed how to do them on Better Homes and Gardens once.
When they state unrealistic stops I get all confused, angry and yelling at the laptop. I mean a tram going from London to Barcelona??? Come on, lets narrow things down here. Canary Wharf to Ramblas? I hope they serve drinks on that tram.
I have recently become aware of a silly thing called Tram Scrolls which are all the rage, apparently. For just over $100 you can get a board printed in Helvetica with tram or bus destinations on it and proudly display it.



could someone please in words of less than 3 syllables tell me what friggin attraction these objects hold for normal people, what the friggin point is, and whether this is just for lobotomised people who would have, in previous eras, have collected pet rocks and talked to them?

Wrong planet methinks :blink:

why don't you just get facebook
As far as things like that go, I don't mind them. They're definitely better than those 'EAT' things people put in their kitchen, and then 'LIFE' in their living room etc. What is up with that crap?
I suppose the EAT and LIFE things are a bit like page one of our training manual at work for new employees

Before LED displays, trams used to have one of these scrolls to display their route, and they were manually turned to show the correct one through the glass panel above the windscreen. And now they've become a moderately kitschy thing to have on the wall. It's called home decor. Some people have nude paintings, some have ceramic dogs, some have neon beer lights. The appeal is probably lost on people from the hot and sticky states, but ones showing Melbourne's historic tram routes are understandably pretty popular round these parts. Making fun of other people's objets d'art is like shooting fish in a barrel - and unless your house is completely devoid of any trappings...people in glass houses etc.
I actually don't mind them in the right context. As they are a replication of an original aesthetic, they immediately lose value in trying to be what they are not. eg it's not original, so don't try and be what you're not. So a better application would be to display names/locations/words that are not reproductions.

Displaying significant places once visited for nostalgic effect, locations of family members around the globe or just a bunch of words in juxtoposition of the original intent are some of the applications that i could see as being interesting.

Just my 2c anyway.
Bribie, I got a laugh out of this. Ive never understood this type of stuff. Each to their own and all that but the reasons and wherefors of trainspotting etc are beyond my world. Some wankster may even call it art.Not me.
I do however find it very funny to think.... How the heck do you come apon this stuff, and then spend time contemplating WTF?
Knowing you bribie as I do, I could never see you analising navel lint like this which makes it more amusing. :lol:
Every clown starts copying all this retro stuff like sheep. Add the latest trend/fad of renovator shows...

I'd prefer a jam scroll!
Tell you what's shitting me. These ******* cooking shows, and I dont even watch them. Theres a new sweets shop near my house, and EVERY TIME someone walks in, some snooty bitch behind he counter says "Did you know that >some cock< is our consultant". WHAT? Adrian something ? I discovered on the weekend that this guy even has his own shop at Manly, just near the 4-Pines. Who gives a ****. Just sell me some chocolate.

And where did the macaron come from ? Seems they were nowhere a year ago, but now these things are everywhere. Whoop-De-Doo, a biscuit made from merangue. My grandma was making **** like this in 1975, andd you could be sure as **** she would turn in her urn if she knew they were selling for $3 a pop.

Trams scrolls. ARGH. Roll one up and stick it in your arse

Is fondue the new food brew for the cool school ? Say that three times after a couple of 2xIPAs
I love this forum, so much passion & hate.
So what's the bet someone off here is going to end up on Beauty and the Geek someday.
Seeing as though we are ranting about **** that has become trendy and is annoying us.......

People who watch an episode of Masterchef, then run into their nearest kitchen wares store the next day to buy every item (butane torch, motar and pestle etc etc) that appeared on the previous night's episode.

Then they start using terms like "plating up" which leads to people like me who grew up in the industry and have been using the term since I was a child being accused on watching said TV dribble....

That and TV chefs who have zero ******* knife skills. You just want them to lose a finger......And yes Nigella Lawson, I'm looking at you.

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