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That and TV chefs who have zero ******* knife skills. You just want them to lose a finger......And yes Nigella Lawson, I'm looking at you.
I have recently become aware of a silly thing called Tram Scrolls which are all the rage, apparently.
They're definitely better than those 'EAT' things people put in their kitchen, and then 'LIFE' in their living room etc. What is up with that crap?
Personally I think she has too much junk in the trunk for my taste and think she chooses her clothes and camera angles very carefully to hid the junk.
......And yes Nigella Lawson, I'm looking at you.
Hey buddy, I wont hear a word against my English rose.
OK, maby her arse requires a GPS to navigate it, and those superfluous (to some) chest puppies may indeed sag to waist level when un-trussed (due to being suckled at by those gaudy looking offspring I suspect), but any sultry temptress who's fridge and larder is unapologetically void of foodstuff 'low fat', 'low salt' or 'heart tick approved' in nature, and swallows anything that passes between her lips can roast my spit any time.
Former musician , Anna Gare says '****! Where are my tits?'
And is this the best we can muster? Some poor mans Nigella?