Would You Like Some Fish With Your Hops.

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It's going to take just a bit longer to cycle up this time of year due to the overnight temps, the aquarium water wouldn't hurt, but some of the "gunk" out of the filter from your aquarium straight into the grow beds would be better. That's where the bacteria are living in your indoor system.


Yes, good point. I will do that

Micro System: http://www.friendlyaquaponics.com/do-it-my...s/micro-system/

Family System: http://www.friendlyaquaponics.com/do-it-my...ff-grid-system/

For those researching Aquaponics, this is a Do-It-Yourself Manual I came across from Hawaii.

Apparently the Hawaiians had an issue with Aquaponics claims. They state that fish is not the primary goal of the system because the more fish they grow for sale the more money they lose on the fish part of their operations/costs. 98% of the volume of the system is for output of vegetables and food plants.

They also are a bit upset at the price of Aquaponics kits and designers who talk about how much fish you can grow in their designs so they have a DIY build your own Aquaponics kits for a fraction of the cost of kits by building with foam blocks, non-construction and construction-grade lumber, etc. a kit for about $861US or about $992AU. Of course withe price differences of materials in hardware stores here it might cost more. Family sized kits are up to $2100US or about $2268AUD in materials costs. Note that this is the Raft system of Aquaponics.

I can not say much more about the system except they are interested in selling plans, book, and running guide for $59US for the Micro, $295US for the Family and $995US for a commercial 32 grow bed design and running manual but if you are interested in Aquaponics and not interested in the price of kits here in Australia for Aquaponics this may be something of interest to you.

Do you own research but it looked interesting to me so I'm sharing with the rest of you :)

Adding the Materials list PDF and Table of Contents to their guide.

TOC: View attachment Friendly_Aquaponics_Micro_System_TOC.pdf
Materials List: View attachment Friendly_Aquaponics_Micro_System_Materials.pdf
Brewer Pete
Just picked up some of these today. I hope to use them for growbeds. Brissy folks may be interested.
System is full cycled now and plants are growing well. Will get some trout for it in the next couple of weeks to replace the goldfish

Syphons all working at once

Growth in one of the beds



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