Okay. Getting away from the yeastology part and more onto the practical side.
Difference between modern industrial oxy, medical oxy and aviation oxy. Apart from the price, all the same stuff. Early days was a different story. The difference between industrial and medical is the way the cylinders are filled. It is possible to get acetone into an industrial cylinder from an oxy acetylene set. The cylinder is tested for this before filling. To fill medical, they evacuate the cylinder first. Aviation oxy is dryer to reduce possible freezing issues at high altitudes.
An earlier post of using a 2 mic diffuser for air and a 0.5 for oxy. Any clues as to the theory behind this? What about the 0.2 mic diffusers? A 0.2 would also act as a filter for a lot of bacteria.
Any figures on litres per minute to get a good flow rate?