Hi and apologies for not getting info onto AHB sooner - we have been flat out trying to get the new Kedron store up and running. The original email was a bit misleading. The record will be for the largest number of people all brewing at the same time in the same place, not the largest brew. The record will be set on saturday 12 July, from 2.30 pm. For logistical reasons, we are not going to be able to do a single brew but many smaller brews. Each brewer needs to bring their own equipment. For kit and kilo guys, this of course is just a fermenter and spoon. For the Extract brewers and mashers, obviously more will be required. We are going to provide a number of stoves and power outlets for the day. We are having a 15amp power socket installed for a Braumeister as well. All brewing ingredients for the day will be 15% off as well.
If you register on our booking site, (
www.trybooking.com/BOFJ) so we know what extra kit you need (stoves, power leads, etc), we can organise to have it here for you. There will be a some spare Rubbermaid coolers and 50ltr pots as well, but these will be availble on a first come, first served basis. I would like to get a few mashers, so the K&K guys get a chance to see an all-grainer in action. If you are using no-chill cubes, then there should be no problems carrying the stuff home. The K&K guys are going to have to half fill their fermenters and top them up at home.
There should be some demos on the Blchmann Hop Rocket and Bottle filler, making sausages (and eating them), and some beers etc to fill in the time. Also if you have brewing gear you no longer need and you think others might be be interested in, then bring it along and swap it. Bring along some beers as well and swap them at the same time.
And if you are still around at the end, the Wacol train station is a short walk away and Scratch Bar is a short train ride - join us at the bar afterwards for a beer.