Wine Takes Hold As Beer Gets Coldie Shoulder

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Not sure I could ever drink Spumante again..........Too many nights as a teenager getting rotten on it......

You know you can now buy sparkling in a can..........Great way to dodge that nasty alcopop tax..
Can never get a good head on that fizzy wine. Quite nice with some fresh real orange juice.
Fizz is ok if you cut it with a stout ;) .
You impressed me Bribie, I was expecting Passion Pop.......
Edit: exceptional choice of glass as well :super:
What about the fact that small wineries pay less exise than any brewery until they get to a certain production level. Very unfair as far as I'm or anybody's concerned
I always HATED wine.. and then I went to Spain.. in particular Bilbao in the Basque region who don't export at all... OMFG :icon_drool2: one dinner of snails in squid ink and 3 bottles later..

I can handle a 'nice' red these days but effed if I will fork out (generally) for overpriced freakin grape juice we make here... gak..
Beer sales are down but I believe the craft sector is up and that is great news!! It irks me to read that wine makers feel safe enough to go out there and make big bodied full flavoured wines and that the breweries are doing the opposite making lower alc and more insipid beers. It is not a level playing field although it doesnt help that the big breweries are running scared (and hence losing markat share) instead of leading the way. Great news is that the small Micros are leading the way making a great range of beers and not steering away from big gutsy full flavoured and hich alc offerings rather they are embracing these styles also.

Imagine the beers we will be able to buy when Fair go for Craft Beer finally achieves the status micro breweries in Australia deserve.
Great effort in decorum BribieG :chug: make the winies cringe! What do you drink Port out of?

BTW, how much did you pay for a bottle of the spuw, and how much was a bottle of Fosters?
I likened your earlier post that these big breweries over the years have run off the tracks with the blondes, low carbs. Then their is the government interference (we run the breweries) light beer cant be over 2.7%. Once upon atime ago I would have a few Carlton Lights in the fridge approx 3.3, it was quenching, somewhat tasty and if driving,socialising was my beer of choice. The same beer is just rubbish now and probably only the old timers have stuck with it to warrant its manufacture.

I also think its hard call when these current affairs wacko`s compare anything alcohol today i.e we drink 107 ltrs of beer per person compared to 190 in the mid-late seventies. Booze buses, stricter drink drive laws, less tolerant society etc etc etc. Apples and oranges.
an idiot with moments of clarity

Or moments of Claret Pete

I'm no wine connoisseur. My favourite drop is Golden Gate Spumante so sue me. Before I started my present job six years ago I was a broke mature age student and drank goon. When I graduated I went to a presentation evening in the city where there was bottomless wine served in big goblets (schmiddy sized). Apart from eating at least 3 Camemberts and a half kilo of olives, pate, prawns etc I must have had the equivalent of three bottles of wine - completely forgetting that the bottled stuff is about 13% ABV whereas the quaffing goon is only about 9.5.

I got off the train to throw up at:


Took me a whole night and day to get home as I crashed at my mate's in Caboolture B)

I am in awe Bribie. I did sleep in the pine forest near the Steve Irwin Way / Bruce Highway interchange at Beerburrum after the AC/DC concert last year. It's a long walk / bus back to Landsborough, but the Beerburrum General store does a great chiko roll and gatorade combo. After that I will never insist on being let out on the highway to make my own way home.

Great effort in decorum BribieG :chug: make the winies cringe! What do you drink Port out of?

BTW, how much did you pay for a bottle of the spuw, and how much was a bottle of Fosters?
I likened your earlier post that these big breweries over the years have run off the tracks with the blondes, low carbs. Then their is the government interference (we run the breweries) light beer cant be over 2.7%. Once upon atime ago I would have a few Carlton Lights in the fridge approx 3.3, it was quenching, somewhat tasty and if driving,socialising was my beer of choice. The same beer is just rubbish now and probably only the old timers have stuck with it to warrant its manufacture.

I also think its hard call when these current affairs wacko`s compare anything alcohol today i.e we drink 107 ltrs of beer per person compared to 190 in the mid-late seventies. Booze buses, stricter drink drive laws, less tolerant society etc etc etc. Apples and oranges.

The big breweries have run off the tracks with almost all their beers and not because of any government regs but in the interest of boosting profit margins. Back in the late eighties I didnt mind Tooheys Red - 4.9% fresh flavour, some sweetness from malt and a little hop character - easy drinking and a good price. But over a number of years they kept dropping the alc content without really lowering the price last time I bothered to look many years ago now it was 4.1% and a little cheaper but the main customer didnt really notice. Brewing practises have changed over the years too all geared towards profit - high gravity brewing, injecting hop flavours at the bottling stage etc stabilisers etc etc Strange isnt it that in the interest of profit they have lost the plot and many of their loyal customers and continue to pull the image of beer down to the lowest common denominator.

Again thank god for the micros who are pulling beer back up and thank god for the homebrewer for educating their mates who then go on to expect a better product because they now know what a good quality beer should taste like (well mostly).
I got off the train to throw up at:


Burpengary sounds like a great place for a spew....even more so if your name is Gary...

or not so good if you're gary's boyfriend... :blink: