Why Do We Do It To Ourselves?

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Why, oh why do we do it to ourselves?

we pour our heart and souls into our newest creations. moniter the temprature, check the SG and wait paitently for the right combination like a mother bird incubating her eggs.

We bottle or keg with the utmost of care to ensure that our new "baby" has the best possible start to life. we take them from imature infants, through to mature adult beers with the love and care only a parent can provide, waiting untill they are just right before releasing them into the big world.

Our mates come over and pick the **** out of them. Telling us how VB is still by far a better brew, even though we know in our hearts they are full of ****. And we ask ourselves WHY.........

cause Im a home brewer.....and damn proud of it

heres a big cheers to each of my peers....
and of course.....plenty of beers!!!!
Because we know we're right! But, no matter how hard you try, some people will never be convinced. We're all different, that's why we need elections. It's majority rules, and the sad fact of the matter is, that the majority don't give a rats.

It's the old "Eat ****, millions of flies couldn't be wrong!"
Because we know we're right! But, no matter how hard you try, some people will never be convinced. We're all different, that's why we need elections. It's majority rules, and the sad fact of the matter is, that the majority don't give a rats.

It's the old "Eat ****, millions of flies couldn't be wrong!"
You said it Bonj.

A couple of those mates might one day drink something different and think, "wow this is nice", and move on to greener pastures.

Just be happy you've discovered what good beer tastes like, New2Brew.
Why, oh why do we do it to ourselves?

we pour our heart and souls into our newest creations. moniter the temprature, check the SG and wait paitently for the right combination like a mother bird incubating her eggs.

We bottle or keg with the utmost of care to ensure that our new "baby" has the best possible start to life. we take them from imature infants, through to mature adult beers with the love and care only a parent can provide, waiting untill they are just right before releasing them into the big world.

Our mates come over and pick the **** out of them. Telling us how VB is still by far a better brew, even though we know in our hearts they are full of ****. And we ask ourselves WHY.........

cause Im a home brewer.....and damn proud of it

heres a big cheers to each of my peers....
and of course.....plenty of beers!!!!

Brings a tear to my eye. Makes me proud to be a home brewer :chug:
Thats why we have brew clubs - you need to swap your mates for some like minded souls.

I (and many others) have got to the point where I just don't bother encouraging non-brewers to try something different. Much rather produce a few extra bottles to share with fellow HBGers than waste "the precious" on unbelievers. Hook up with some local brewers and you'll find it a much more enjoyable experience.
You can fairly well expect at least 95% of the population to not like beer with flavour, I mean hell - most aussies dont like the taste of beer. Or thats the only conclusion I can come to, seeings that we are constantly having beer with less and less flavour being thrust towards us, and drinking it colder and colder (like the Tooheys New tap I heard about the other day that pumps out the beer at -1.2C or something).
Think about it, the colder you drink something, the less of it you taste, cause it kinda freezes your taste buds. Give someone a mega lager at 0C, and they will think it is the best beer ever, so "crisp and clean", cause it basically tastes like nothing. Give them that same beer at 8C, and they will spit it out, telling you it tastes horrible, and needs to be much colder. The warmer a beer is, the more flavour you will get out of it (to a certain temp, of course), and the colder it is, the less it will taste like beer. Ever tried drinking an english bitter straight outta the fridge? Thin, fairly low on flavour, and lifeless - serve it at 10C, and you have a delicious beer.
I assume people are only "enjoying" the beer for the effect it has, rather than the actual taste of the product (and the more flavour there is, the less they like it). Look at coffee - I think it tastes perfect strong and black, but so many coffe "lovers" drink it as a vannila/raspberry/soy/chocolate latte/cappucino/frappucino whatever it takes to make it taste less like coffee.
Thats all just my opinion of course, so take it with a grain of salt, but if your mates prefer VB or whatever, they can bloody well bring it around and "enjoy" it, instead of drinking teh beer that you really enjoy, and then complaining about it to you.
I'll shut up now.
EDIT - you should also feel lucky your mates dont like your beer. My mates bloody love mine, and I have to brew alot more often than I would for myself to keep up with their visits! Maybe they complain about it afterwards, but they dont complain to my face at least. T.
seriously i dont care if my mates hate my beer.........its all the more for me if they do. I kinda just wanted to give everyone that read the thread a bit of a positive rev up, so to speak.

my mates do love my beer, so mush so that 3 of them are now home brewers themselves. We have formed a club ABBA - Albury and Border Brewers Assosiation and meet monthly. VB was just a beer I picked seeing as how 1 in 3 commerical beers bought in this country comes from a little green can or labeled stubby.

Keep on brewing guys, and keep on giving the great advice you do, my brewing has improved 100% since I started posting, and im now able to give a little back too!
Try the old reverse psychology, "I hate that commercial crap". Tried this recently while in the gemfields. Old bloke came up to me at the campfire and said, you drink your own home brew mate, yes I said, hate that commercial crap, yeah used to make that ***** too he says, only good thing about it was it was cheap. I said, nah this costs a lot more than the commercial crap, by the time I buy the imported yeast and get it sent to my place I'm up for over 20 bucks. Why do you drink it if it costs more to make he asks, cos it's much fcuking better was my reply, and then I tried to ignore him. The old prick pestered me for ages about what it tasted like, poured a little into his empty pensioners piss can (I was drinking fom a good glass). He tasted it and looked startled, this is good! Yep I said but I can't just give it away it costs me so much to make. He pestered me for more over the next three nights, but I wouldn't give. He would have carried on like a frog in a sock about how ****** home brew was and then would have happily drunk all I would have supplied. Typical, fcuk em!
And when blokes ask about your beer - genuinely interested, and then ask for a few tallies to check you're authentic...
Geffaaarked.... :p


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