Why Brewing Is So Good!

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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I have seriously got to stop brewers from this forum coming to my place for brew days <_< . They spill all me little dirty secrets the blapbber mouths... What ever happened with what goes on ontour stays on tour?

Besides he can cut my grass all he wants he ain't getting me beer. A blokes gotta have priorities! ;)

Sorry mate, wish I was on Tour... ;) Its driving me f------ nuts up here ATM....

A match made in heaven (as long as the two activities stay separated by a couple of hours). You're not on the ADVrider forums, are you?

Nah mate, im not.

I ride a 1800cc M109, it suits my personality (laid back, but has some balls when you need it)
WOW! thanks for all the reply's. Good to see such a great beer brewing community out there!
Why is it good? A cupboard full of Saison, Dubbel, Old Ale, Framboise, and a Cerveza on the way.... that's why! :super:
The Roman Army marched on beer a couple of thousand years back and even took their own brewers with them. I bet they didn't do to much marching.

They did enough to conquer most of Europe and parts of Africa which just proves the power of beer.
I find it funny how people always assume that home brew is inferior to commercial beer.

When you tell them you brew your own, they automatically ask "how much money do you save"? They assume that money must be the only driving factor, based on their experiences of tasting badly made K&K's usually.

I really think that the quality of beer that can be produced at home is an unknown to 99% of the population.

Let's face it, unless you love it, home brewing is a lot of work. If you love it, it's a lot of enjoyment.

I totally agree mate, people assume home brew is cheap and will taste bad. since i started home brewing a few months ago i keep telling people, yes i am saving money but the beer is way better i make as well. its for the great beer i make more than the cost savings, but obviously saving money is great as well.
I totally agree mate, people assume home brew is cheap and will taste bad. since i started home brewing a few months ago i keep telling people, yes i am saving money but the beer is way better i make as well. its for the great beer i make more than the cost savings, but obviously saving money is great as well.

+1. I definitely don't do it for the money saving, I do it for the sweet taste of something you made yourself, nicer beer than I can find in my local and for sharing it with mates.

I don't even mind all the cleaning invloved, it's all in a very good cause. The one thing I do suffer with is the waiting, I'm not patient by nature and being a bulk primer the weeks slip by waiting to test the next one. It adds to the anticipation but it's a long wait between drinks sometimes.

I wish I had a shed to upscale my operation!
I hate brewing. It's a pain in the arse, hardly worth the effort. The beer turns out shit, and it's a huge waste of time. Really, I only do it because I have nothing better to do and its cheaper than buying VB. I dont understand how any of you guys can find enjoyment in this hobby. Id rather watch the grass grow to be honest...

nah im kidding :lol:
Myself - I prefer to sit in the house while the wife tells me what I should be doing.



BRING IT ON!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

........ah thirsty now....

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