I was going to go to a Belinda Carlisle concert but something else came up. Was talking about it today when I was out with a friend and they asked me to refresh their memory on who Belinda Carlisle is (as would be reasonable of course).
I said "I'll bring up a couple of numbers on YouTube and you can have a look, you'll remember these from the 80s"
So I fired up ye mighty Android and looked in vain for Summer Rain, Keep a Light on etc. Plenty of amateur submitted stuff from her Rooty Hill gig whatever but absolutely no "official" videos.
On the desktop of course it's full of "official versions" just as you'd see as video clips from the time.
The playlist for everything seems to be different on the phone as opposed to the desktop. Is there some sort of DRM thing happening here? A bit puzzled.
I said "I'll bring up a couple of numbers on YouTube and you can have a look, you'll remember these from the 80s"
So I fired up ye mighty Android and looked in vain for Summer Rain, Keep a Light on etc. Plenty of amateur submitted stuff from her Rooty Hill gig whatever but absolutely no "official" videos.
On the desktop of course it's full of "official versions" just as you'd see as video clips from the time.
The playlist for everything seems to be different on the phone as opposed to the desktop. Is there some sort of DRM thing happening here? A bit puzzled.