Why Are Most Barstaff...

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Just got this pic in an sms from my gf's sister.

She mentioned something to the barstaff and was told she should be thankful because the sediment will make it close to 8%abv!!
WTF are these idiots on?

hint: you don't have to be the treasurer to work there ;)
Ive seen blokes fighting over getting the first cloudy Coopers from the keg before. Im a bit of a fan of it myself.

It BS about the alcohol content though.
if only they'd rinsed the glass in othophos sanitiser and put some gladwrap over it Wally :)
you're a glass-half-full man, i like that!
You should get your girlfriend's sister to have a word to the barperson about responsible service of alcohol (about the only training this and most other barpersons have).

I "accidentally" spilt a pint of pale, about as muddy as above all over a bar, bar mat and a tray of clean glasses after i was told by the manager... "that's from the keg, its coopers pale ale, i can't give you a refund... do you expect me to dump 2L from the bottom of each 50L keg?"

You can tell its thick and muddy by the way is doesnt fall out of the glass when tipped sideways!
the sediment will make it close to 8%abv!!
WTF are these idiots on?

Reminds me of my best friends. They gave me instructions to bring them back a bottle of 'authentic' tequila from San Diego - the kind with the worm in the bottle. When they reached the worm (read that as being completely pissed) there was a massive fight over who would get to eat it because it had to have more alcohol in it. :huh:
I just threw up a little in my mouth :blink:
wtf is that?

Looks like yarra water.

does it come with free yabbies??
When I first got to Adelaide a few years back, it only seemed right to drink Coopers Pale Ale. One of the first bars I went into 'rolled' a bottle of pale along the bar straight out of the fridge & poured it - I was 'a bit suprised' and there was a loooong pause while I took a breath and then asked him wtf he thought he was doing, and he told me "it's normal and everyone does it, that's how it's poured here......".......
I didn't order a Coopers beers again for nearly a year..... these days I don't mind one every now and again if I run dry in the fridge.

I spent many years working behind bars, and I had never seen someone deliberately stir a bottle conditioned beer up before. Doesn't seem logical to me to go to the trouble of allowing it to settle out and then mess it all up again. Do some stirring of your own & send that picture to Coopers suggesting that some 'point of sale retraining' might be in order.......:D
maybe along with resposible serving on alchaol they should be trained in rocking a keg bofore hooking it up.

I would have tipped that on the bar too.

When I first got to Adelaide a few years back, it only seemed right to drink Coopers Pale Ale. One of the first bars I went into 'rolled' a bottle of pale along the bar straight out of the fridge & poured it - I was 'a bit suprised' and there was a loooong pause while I took a breath and then asked him wtf he thought he was doing, and he told me "it's normal and everyone does it, that's how it's poured here......".......
I didn't order a Coopers beers again for nearly a year..... these days I don't mind one every now and again if I run dry in the fridge.

I spent many years working behind bars, and I had never seen someone deliberately stir a bottle conditioned beer up before. Doesn't seem logical to me to go to the trouble of allowing it to settle out and then mess it all up again. Do some stirring of your own & send that picture to Coopers suggesting that some 'point of sale retraining' might be in order.......:D
Quite a few people serve it that way. Could be due to this, direct from the Coopers website:

Naturally fermented in the 'Burton-on-Trent' style, a secondary fermentation creates the trademark sediment that gives 'Pale' its fine cloudy appearance. This cloudy residue can be stirred through the beer by tipping or rolling the bottle before drinking.
each to there own, i prefer coopers red being rolled but the green is a differant story. Actually havent drunk much coopers lately as i reckon its gone off. Not as good as it used to be.
I definately wouldnt be drinking the above beer thats for sure
The cloudy end of the keg is yum..

I have had fights with barstaff to give me the last bit...they always throw it out cause the dont understand the beer...someyimes you get it for free... :D
I'm with Dom, leave that crap at the bottom of the bottle. I can't understand people stirring up Hefe's either. With the commercial exampls all it does is stir up that dusty tasting lager yeast that they finish with.
Like someone else has suggested, I'd be sending that pick to Coopers and asking Wtf ?
I was at the Adelaide airport a few weeks back and eagerly went to the Coopers Bar for an ale before getting on the plane. Mick the camera man had got there first and bought me a beer and I was momentarily surprised to see that it looked very much like the picture in this post. Hadnt seen one that colour for a while. It took me a second or two to work out if I should tell the bar staff that they needed to change the keg or just drink my beer....I drank my beer.
I've heard that lager yeast is a tastier option for a bottle conditioned beer for which the yeast is to be roused, so if the germans wanna hand select a different strain for bottle conditioning then more power to them.

But back on topic, I've had a pint of wheat beer come out of the keg black, so your gf's sister got off lucky!
Last time i had the last drops from a keg of coopers pale was in the Territory and although it wasnt as murky as the pic shown it was an absolutely delicious drop.The next clearer pour from a newer keg was just not quite as nice.

Big D