Why Are Most Barstaff...

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Love the cloudy pint when it's at the point of the night where I probably shouldn't be drinking any more beer. Otherwise, I generally take it back.

Speaking of bartender horror stories, tried to take back a rank Squires golden ale one evening (at a pub that shall remain unnamed). The girl behind the bar was baffled by my request, got the manager who told me "Just because you don't like the beer doesn't mean you can have a free one, mate.". I wasn't very impressed.
I don't mind the cloudy Coopers - it's drinkable.

I do mind drinking beer from filthy pubs that rarely clean their lines, or their glasses properly - i've quite often had a flat, bad tasting beer poured for me, and will always take it back. It amazes me that the bar staff (& management) are usually reluctant to fix the issue. It should be like any other product - if I buy one that is broken, i want a bloody refund!

I know what people mean about dodgy beers...although nothing as shocking as that puddle of mud yoiur sis got served.

A mate and myself were out at a place we usually go to while at university, and I got a Carlton Draught - something I don't usually drink but decided to for some unremembered reason. I sipped it, and pulled a face as it was litereally like drinking fermented cardboard. I asked my mate if it usually tasted like this; he responded by tasting the beer and saying confidently that it was THE worst he had ever had. We left it and told the management - they seemed keen on our feedback and apologetic for the beer, to their credit.

I still don't go much on Carlton Draught, haha. A CPA however, very nice. A homebrewed beverage...even better :D
I can't understand people stirring up Hefe's either.

You must be trying the wrong Hefe's mika.

I purposely bottle them as soon as they are done to ensure the maximum amount of yeast in the bottle.

Although in general I agree, most styles just leave the yeast in the bottom of the bottle.
At one bar the bloke poured me a pale that looked orange, and he claimed that people have fought over it... I told him that I wanted a pale ale, (as their other on tap beer was Carton Draught... ugh) and so I forced them to give me a stubbie to replace the (metric) pint.
I used to get free sludge CPA at my local in SA all the time. They would pour it into a bucket and put it down the drain if I was not there :eek:
Just got this pic in an sms from my gf's sister.
View attachment 16986

She mentioned something to the barstaff and was told she should be thankful because the sediment will make it close to 8%abv!!
WTF are these idiots on?

hint: you don't have to be the treasurer to work there ;)

You sure she didn't ask for a cuppa Tea

Only ever taken back 3 beers.
A Cascade light that tasted downright wrong - bargirl tasted it, gagged, poured me a schooner of something else, no worries.

Something at a yuppy pub - bar staff looked at me like I was a tool. What did I expect? At least my schooner was topped up.

A guinness from Scruffys that was accidentally topped up with Bundy On-Tap... Lets just say they don't mix. :icon_vomit:
The cloudy end of the keg is yum..

I have had fights with barstaff to give me the last bit...they always throw it out cause the dont understand the beer...someyimes you get it for free... :D
When I was in Adelaide with work, I drank a few Coopers ales that looked like the "caramel milk" depicted above.
The last one that came out of the keg looked like choccy milk. No complaint except that it was gonna be poured out if I didn't want it, but there was no way known that they were gonna give it to me for free! :(

As for returning beer, I have had a rant elsewhere about my "favourite" incident, and the lack of response from the publican/owner.

re German wheat beer, I really enjoy the yeast sediment, and it's much cheaper than Vegemite, too.
It's just a shame that some Belgian beer cafes do the same thing with their beer, when it's most certainly the wrong thing to do!

Les :p
i like hefe yeast but when a CPA gets that muddy, it's no longer a beverage, it's a meal.

damn right about responsible service of alcohol though! do these idiots think the yeast is alcoholic??

notice that most people quote "fight over that pint" but don't go around tipping the dregs out of the stubbies into a glass to drink.

i stir my sediment by raising and lowering the bottle repeatedly to my mouth.

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