Who's Your Favourite Aussiehomebrewer Forum Guy?

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As we all wade our way through the seemingingly endless supply of options, ingredients, recipes, techniques, opinions and pitfalls that are all a part of our beloved obsession, I thought I'd ask who has been your favourite contributor on our forum?

We are so many characters, at all different levels of brewing expertise and displaying vastly different understanding of the rules of English spelling and grammar. It's what makes our forum what it is and wouldn't be the same without any of us.

But who is your favourite forum blogger guy? Who's been the most reliable source of desperately needed information? The solver of the many mysteries we encounter? Fountain of most knowledge, humour or bull s..t? Poster of most vexing questions?

Criteria for assessing who ranks as favourite is up to you. You might love someone's humour or lack of it, their thorough understanding of HB or their incredible lack of any, their forum nickname and photo or you might just love them because they've been there for you when you needed it most in your darkest hour.

I shall begin by declaring my fondness and appreciation for citymorgue 2. Thanks Citymorgue 2 for everything,

JM ;)

Oh, and that guy from Wagga.
wow where to start...I like to thank God (he's a member of AHB isnt he? - oh right this isnt an oscars speech!)

BConnery - for all things extract

The Mods - just because (and Esp to Dane for starting this sanctuary)

Weird/alternate/experimental takes on things - Spillsmostofit

Actual technical brewery knowledge - Thirstyboy EDIT: And for getting me to hurry up and go AG

Funny Buggers - Fents & PP (it still amazes me how many PP manages to annoy/bait)

Best Avatar - inCider or Pint of Lager's old avatar (the sexy chich with a beer belly)
For assistance and inspitration in getting started - Bindi
For good common sense, factual and technical brewing advice - Zwickel
For the best recipes - Browndog

For inspirational influence - Ross, Jye, bconnery

Humor - Incider and the perennially flagellant Pistol Patch

Hospitality - Bindi, Ross, Sqyre, Winkle

Accurate feedback on beers : Beersom, Ross, Browndog, Bindi, Jye

Gutsyest Brewers game to add anything to beer: Ross, bconnery, Bindi and Jye

For putting up with me when I'm bored and want to stir shit: Darren

The list could go on and on - The clever and talented bunch of brewers we have here in South East Queensland have all be inspirational and helpfull to me.

Edit: Hate only having 15 min or whatever the time limit is to add names I have missed.
Tony & Pumpy have to get a mention don't they. I don't know what for yet but I'm working on it.

Maybe Tony's knowledge on infections :ph34r:
Wanna see what I can do with darts and ping pong balls. :icon_chickcheers:

Warren -
jebus, sorry fellas...appears I've put a fork in the road on this thread and we've gone the wrong way!!! :eek:
:lol: Pretty hard to put O/T when it's a lame-o thread right from the get go.

Warren -
The clever and talented bunch of brewers we have here in South East Queensland have all be inspirational and helpfull to me.

Clever and Talented??? They must have moved from NSW :p

This site is full of useful help, you know that if you ask a question, someone here will have some idea on the answer or atleast point you in the right direction.

I know that if I didn't discover this site when I started homebrewing - I would still be brewing goo

So in my opinion, everyone is my favourite <Massive Group Hug> </Massive Group Hug>
I don't have a man crush on anyone, but the following people have really helped me along in my brewing:

Browndog: For inviting a new AHBer over and introducing me to the hospitality and mateship that abounds on this forum. For helping a tool-tard get his brewery up and running. Too many things to name individually.
Mobrien: For welding my brewstand and helping get my brewery up and running.
Ross: For answering the phone on frantic brewdays, and for inspiration... but not for leading me astray at Oktoberfest last year :p
Brad_G: For the inspiration early on.
Pint of Lager: For untold amounts of advice on the IRC chat.

Everyone above and those not listed for their hospitality and the sharing of recipes and information. I'm convinced that this community fits really well into the "gift culture" idea, that members earn the respect of their peers by giving gifts of information and help. You may notice, that those that seem to be highly respected on this forum are also those that have given a lot in the way of help to fellow brewers and general brewing information, or by providing products to the community either at a cheaper price than before, or products that were previously unavailable. A gift culture prospers through the gifts made to the community, and our community is prospering for that reason.

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