Which Brew For Doctor Who

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ha ha ha trears i just pissed my pants. capretta, there is some funny stuff out there .

please all take a look at it and the torchwood ones as well .

I'd say Tom Baker's Dr Who would be a Black Sheep drinker. Also, any news on the new episodes?

I'd say Tom Baker's Dr Who would be a Black Sheep drinker. Also, any news on the new episodes?



there brilliant.IF I SAY SO MYSELF.

got the first two box sets as well.


well delboy you are quite the fanatic, but have you added this essential item to your collection!!

Doctor Who - Talking Dalek Bottle Opener

i got it, but the batteries expired within 2 days! i got replacement batteries, ( watch type AG13 ) and they lasted a single night! admittedly it was going off on my keys in my pocket and the batteries were CHEAP but let me use a AAA rechargeable or something, it is big enough! the watch shop wanted to charge me $5.95 a battery (it takes 3).. a bit disappointed really but occasionally it goes off when the charge builds up again... what a thrill :D
well delboy you are quite the fanatic, but have you added this essential item to your collection!!

Doctor Who - Talking Dalek Bottle Opener

i got it, but the batteries expired within 2 days! i got replacement batteries, ( watch type AG13 ) and they lasted a single night! admittedly it was going off on my keys in my pocket and the batteries were CHEAP but let me use a AAA rechargeable or something, it is big enough! the watch shop wanted to charge me $5.95 a battery (it takes 3).. a bit disappointed really but occasionally it goes off when the charge builds up again... what a thrill :D

Try Jaycar, dick smith or tandy for watch batteries... you'll only be looking at $1-ish each there.
Try Jaycar, dick smith or tandy for watch batteries... you'll only be looking at $1-ish each there.
i ended up getting a multi pack of batteries from the reject shop, 4 each of 6 different sizes for $2.as i can only use 4 from a pack of 24 anyone need some othersize batteries?? :rolleyes:
hahah you guys crack me up! im a nerd as well, loved the old who's, not a fan of the new stuff. every new episode takes place on the same street in england!! :blink:

I can't warm to the new Who.

But in fairness, every episode of the old series seemed to take place in the same quarry in England.
(And I always had the feeling that at any moment they could run into the cast of Blake's 7!)
im gettin me one of those

no not a die hard fanatic but just like the whole concept i am no means a DOCTOR WHO GEEK .my wife made sure of that before we gor married.
she loves the new shows as well .
i like the old ones but they seem abit cheesy compared to the new shows
but the DALEKS SCARED THE $H!T OUT OF ME WHEN I WAS A KID. and i still get the rush.

no not a die hard fanatic but just like the whole concept i am no means a DOCTOR WHO GEEK .
NO WAY delboy, no backing down now!! u started this thread may i remind you!! :D

i have recently gone back and watched a few of the older episodes (local video store selling them for 5 bucks ex rental) and its kind of like a drinking game whenever someone can spot an every day object, spraypainted and used as a prop, everyone else has to drink.

like "cricket gloves sprayed silver for the cybermens hands, every one drink!"
or, "airconditioning ducts sprayed gold with streamers dangling off them for alien type palm trees, skull boys!"

Tom Baker was my favourite as a kid
all the others seemed a bit gay to me after tom :ph34r:
john pertwee was brilliant as well but i think it was the TOM BAKER YEARS that were most memorable to me

i have all ways wanted a full size DALEK and FULL SIZE TARDIS but had to settle for an AG set up <_<

will build one ,one day

opps did i say that :ph34r:

i have all ways wanted a full size DALEK and FULL SIZE TARDIS but had to settle for an AG set up <_<
will build one ,one day

sorry del, ur dreams have already been answered.. "BATCH-SPARGE-ME,-MATE!"
ha ha ha ha ha h hhhhhhhh piss me pants .

I suppose your brew fridge is a TARDIS

its supposed to be a police call box you ****. :D
now thats a brew fridge and what a mash tun. :lol:
del :beer:

I too am voting for Dr Who being a RIS sort of guy.

And if its not already apparent, I'm sticking up my hand to confess to being a Dr Who fan from way back.

As I sit at my keyboard wearing my best Dr Who T-shirt I notice that my "exterminate" bottle opener is sitting on the coffee table, next to my unironed Dr Who pj's that I have, from time to time, been seen to wear (boldly of course) in public arenas.

But anyway, now that I've outed myself, I agree that the Dr would be a RIS sort of guy, except for Davison who strikes me as the sort who quaffs bitters as his regular dink and downs the odd hefeweizen on special occasions.

I liked Tom Baker, but he wasn't my favourite. My favourite would be a toss up between Davison or Pertwee. When the ABC replayed the old episodes recently I also gained a great appreciation for William Hartnell.

I quite like the new Dr Who series, especially with David Tennant who I'm a fan of. Really looking forward to this year's series, have been able to restrain myself to only downloading the Christmas episode so far. More than one Moffatt episode a season would be good though.
are see your all comming out of the closet now.

Doctor Who fans . It is a great show and my kids love it too and the new one are there favourites .

so who loved SPACE 1999 AND U.F.O??

Awesome game, reminds me of a very simple one to do with Mat Groenings 'Futurama' [actually says it at the start of one episode]: 'Drink when you see the robot!' Hahaha...

But yeah, I don't mind the odd bit of Dr Who - and the music from the old-school one is seriously cool...always used to love coming home from school and switching it onto the credits [never in time for the actual show :( ]. The new one isn't bad I dont think, but nothing beats the original for the nostalgia value.

Mind you, I don't even think I was alive when the original series was still running...
Is this the right time to confess to my collection of 48 DVDs containing every Dr Who episode from the first Jon Pertwee to the end of the first series of David Tennant? And my slowly growing (but still incomplete) collection of the surviving episodes from the Hartnall and Troughton years?

so who loved SPACE 1999 AND U.F.O??

Hand goes up.

Blakes 7 anyone?
