I did a quick search but couldn't find much info. I thought I would find something so I might have just searched like a noob.
So, to all the no chillers out there like me:
What's longest you've kept a no chill cube before pitching?
was final beer good? or infected? or in any way off flavoured?
I've got an APA ready to keg. It's finished at 1.007 from 1.043 (from memory) but there's an unusual (kinda "meaty") flavour in there that I think might be my first bret infection.
I'm pretty confident in my sanitising routine and haven't made any significant changes to it but I did have this brew cubed for a good 3 or 4 months.
I realise there are all sorts of ways an infection could get in but it just got me thinking about whether or not this could be a factor.
So, how long?
So, to all the no chillers out there like me:
What's longest you've kept a no chill cube before pitching?
was final beer good? or infected? or in any way off flavoured?
I've got an APA ready to keg. It's finished at 1.007 from 1.043 (from memory) but there's an unusual (kinda "meaty") flavour in there that I think might be my first bret infection.
I'm pretty confident in my sanitising routine and haven't made any significant changes to it but I did have this brew cubed for a good 3 or 4 months.
I realise there are all sorts of ways an infection could get in but it just got me thinking about whether or not this could be a factor.
So, how long?