This post is going to be interesting. Been writing for 5 or more hours now. I might do one final read before posting.
[Started this post when I got home so it's a 'live' post. I am now drinking Batz's Altbier (the best!) so read at your own peril - you know the drill
Not a bad post so far though. Whoops! Could be a contender for some morning edits but am not sure as yet!]
Well I've just got home, all excited, and find that after nearly 100 reads, no one has put their hand up to offer or gather some more raw data. While this is lol - I'm very dissapointed.
I've even just double-checked my ruler calibration, which I knew was correct anyway, just to be totally sure that I'm not an absolute idiot (well, in one area anyway
) So, I'm now as sure as I can be, that all my measurements on that last brew were as correct as I can get them.
And, if it's that hard to get good figures well why bother? NRB's and Batz's recipes are working bloody well for me without bothering about efficiency measurements (see 3 below.) Just check the length of my posts while drinking their recipes. That's solid proof!
Obviously this thread is going to temporarily die for all or a combination of several reasons. Some that have crossed my mind since beginning this post are...
1.Some readers are sure that my figures are wrong. They know I'm missing something totally obvious and that I just can't see it. But they haven't posted/PM'ed/emailed me to explain what that is or the data they have that backs that up. They should do so.
2. Many people reading this thread are also having the same doubts as myself but don't feel comfortable in posting their doubts or their figures. Fair enough!
3. Other people have established a brewing routine and rely on one efficiency figure. It works for them (as it will) and they really have no interest in all this. Fair enough as well and a large part of me actually agrees with them. (Who cares as long as the beer tastes great?)
4. Well, the fourth reason that comes to mind has to do with cognitive dissonance which I've talked about once before so, if you're interested, do a search
It includes aspects of some of the other reasons here but with the most unproductive result.
I'm not talking here about the guys who have told me to check my figures - their posts actually, to me, show either quality thinking and/or motivation and they are the sort of buggers who will doubt themselves so I better send them a PM saying, 'It's not you!' or, better still, will send me a PM saying, 'Was it me?' (Come to think of it honestly, I'm not going to have time to send PM's in the next few days to the guys I'm thinking of. PM me if you are in doubt though!)
There is a big difference between being active and dismissive. Take NRB's post above saying, 'Sorry Pat. I don't believe your figures.' To me, this is an active post. It is not dismissive. He's just saying, 'Mate, you must have buggered something up. Can you take another look?' Haven't thought this through entirely yet but it may actually be the best post here for reasons I better not go into. (Read the. 'My Thinking,' thread. That thread is all about innocent courage which I think is a quality of the true scientist.)
5. The final reason I can think of and not necessarily the last, is that I have bored everyone to death with my long posts. Quite possible and once again, definitely fair enough. (I certainly get a lot of laughs on this - Jayse. the moderator, did a cracker the other day on the 'My Thinking' thread where two people went way OT. He basically said, "Just dropped in here and saw 5 PP posts in a row. There's no way I'm reading that! But, you two guys settle down.' Unfortunately his post got deleted in the impressive fracas! Donya Jayse - not that you would be reading this - lol)