Whats In The Glass

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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My light american amber ale.

Very happy with how this has turned out, I've been playing with ~3% beers for a while now, this version is 2.9%.

Heavy on the munich, mashed at 69-70C, hooped with galaxy/cascade and dry hopped with amarillo. Windsor at 18C for the ferment.

just drinking airgeads skull splitter in one of my new paddys brewery glass. just what i need to cure the cold that im starting to come down with.

very smooth and drinkable. im really enjoying this
The evil 11% Belgian strong ale i bottled 5 weeks ago, i cracked one tonight.
Quite nice actually, carbonation is light which is how i wanted, and its rich, meaty, with mild alcohol warmth.
8 diffrent grainbills, plus sugars. Was also fed dark Bel candi sugar over 10 days. Started with trappist yeast, then finished with champagne yeast.

Dunno if it's acceptable to post mere K&B beers, but it was the second beer I ever made, based completely on advice from the K&E section of this forum ... and I've been pretty pleased with it. More importantly Mrs Shed is well pleased with it ;)

Cooper's Real Ale kit
Dark Dry Malt 1kg
300g Choc malt
100g Roast Barley
200g Crystal
Safale S-05 yeast

OG 1042
FG 1012

Primed to ~2.1

A historic Mild.
Presents like a Best Bitter with a high level of bitterness
Not bad overall, but I'm guessing that EKG in 1824 had a lower AA% B) .
My light american amber ale.

Very happy with how this has turned out, I've been playing with ~3% beers for a while now, this version is 2.9%.

Heavy on the munich, mashed at 69-70C, hooped with galaxy/cascade and dry hopped with amarillo. Windsor at 18C for the ferment.


Now that looks like a beer I would enjoy, fantastic colour Dr :party:

AIPA with Cascade, finished with Galaxy, and dry hopped with Galaxy. 3 weeks in the keg and drinking very nicely. Bit of chill haze, but who's complaining. Man I love Galaxy :icon_drool2:

no pic but sampling my smoked belgian dark strong.
its like a liquid dark fruit cake in flavour.
could of gone more smoke though
c'mon Tone, where's the dort ?

thanks jyo :chug:



Workin on it mate!. didnt get time to snap a shot although my brother, my wife and I enjoyed quite a few of them this arvo just hanging out in the garage while i sulked over my dead air horn compressor in the ute :(

I drive to work in the dark and get home in the dark so will try and take a happy snap in the kitchen tomorrow night.

On special request.............. it a tough job drinking this!

Maltiness from weyermann Pils and carahell with that light honey yumminess, and and ballancing hoppieness from hallertau and Saaz........ neither is dominent but both are prominent.

The 2042 Danish lager is a great yeast......... im very happy with the result and will be using it again for sure! Dry drinkable beer and really acentuates both malt and hops.

I also added a lot of mineral salts via water profiler in Promash......... the water was like milk and while most of it droips out, its left the beer with a great mouth feel compared to when i usually just use tap water.

THis is going to fast become one of my favorite styles!


On special request.............. it a tough job drinking this!

Maltiness from weyermann Pils and carahell with that light honey yumminess, and and ballancing hoppieness from hallertau and Saaz........ neither is dominent but both are prominent.

The 2042 Danish lager is a great yeast......... im very happy with the result and will be using it again for sure! Dry drinkable beer and really acentuates both malt and hops.

I also added a lot of mineral salts via water profiler in Promash......... the water was like milk and while most of it droips out, its left the beer with a great mouth feel compared to when i usually just use tap water.

THis is going to fast become one of my favorite styles!



nice, looks like the lace would hold all the way to the last drop :icon_cheers:

on another note, just got that weird look from the wife that i get when she sees me looking at pics of beer :D



is the recipe in the DB Tony ?
na mate but i will sort that now.

I only post recipes i deem worthy and this is good!
