What You Brew For Profit?

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i m just curious about if you actually made this hobbies into a business and how ?

ty in advance
Whilst it is illegal to sell alcohol here, in the USA and presumably in Puerto Rico as well (which I guess has similar laws to the Mainland) quite a few home brew hobbyists have gone on to found businesses and careers as Home brew shop owners, operating ingredients and equipment businesses online, setting up brew-for-you outlets or going on to become brewers at microbreweries or founding their own micros. In fact Ross here has totally scooped the pool :lol:
One guy who posts regularly has a business running brewing courses.
i m just curious about if you actually made this hobbies into a business and how ?

ty in advance

Pretty simple process mate - i'll just sum it up for ya

1. Have interest in beer
2. Learn homebrewing at home
3. Start a business related to this
4. ??????
Pretty simple process mate - i'll just sum it up for ya

1. Have interest in beer
2. Learn homebrewing at home
3. Start a business related to this
4. ??????

Dress as a gnome and sing a little song too!

Just in case you don't get it (which I hope many do) Linky
I love brewing. Kinda like I used to love computers and stuff.

Then I pursued a career in computers and stuff.

Now, I am a broken man and see computers and stuff as necessary evils. Why would I do that to beer?
I love brewing. Kinda like I used to love computers and stuff.

Then I pursued a career in computers and stuff.

Now, I am a broken man and see computers and stuff as necessary evils. Why would I do that to beer?

Well said.

We have a professional brewer in our club and i was chatting to him last meeting about brewing of course :eek: He said unless your second choice of careers is to be a cleaner, then really need to give it some thought, lots of cleaning on a big scale :angry:
70% of the work on a full scale brewday may be cleaning, and it is probably equivalent to what you do at home, so no surprises there..
Why would you want to ruin a perfectly good hobby?


I wonder if the Kooinda boys agree? Not something I'm aiming for but passionate people have done it and good on them (their beer is consistently good too).
I reckon it would be incredible. I can understand all the cleaning would be a pain, but I'm sure the large scale cleaning systems would be much more efficient and easy than what we use. I base this on absolutely nothing though and am happy to be proved wrong.

I would love to do it professionally. But maybe I'm young and stupid.
Brewing professionally is one thing.

For profit is a whole different thing!!!
I just wish someone would grow the rocks and start a brewery like Russian River here in Australia.

As soon as I win lotto I will :D

But if there are any millionaires reading this...... :rolleyes:
SWMBO's Dad owns a brewery.

Oh, wait - no, that's a Kevin Bloody Wilson song.

SWMBO's Dad runs a meth lab.
Well - you could just get a job at a brewery...

Not everyone is cut out to start/run a business. But that doesn't mean you cant brew for a profit/living.

You're never going to be rich and you better love what you do given the level of remuneration in small breweries... but a wage is profit too.
I produce drugs in my garage


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