What To Buy

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That's a tough question. Every single malt is different and everyone's tastes are different. I love the Island malts so I'd be looking at the Laphroag, Ardbeg, Talisker... Your tastes may well be different.

If there's a hotel near you that has a decent selection of single malts I'd be heading over there and working my way down the line to see what you like. There are also places that do whisky tastings. If there's anything near you check them out before you go.

Hey guys, I am rather new to the world of single malts and was wanting some advice on what I should buy from the airport when i go overseas in a couple of weeks. I was wanting to get maybe 2 bottles of decent single malts at around $100 a bottle.

Any advice would be great....CHEERS

Before you buy, I recommend you check out the LAG restrictions on carrying booze on your flights, especially if you've got connecting flights.
In Bangkok they'll freely sell you cheap booze, only to confiscate it at the boarding gate.
A bloody rort.
edit: having said that, I do love Strathisla - one of the single malts that goes into Chivas Regal.
I think I'd go that 14 yo Glenfiddich 'Rich Oak' stuff. We visited the distillery years ago on a Contiki tour - hardly a bus load of connoisseurs - but not many scotch drinkers either (without coke that is - philistines..) so we split up a tray of samplers between about eight of us.
We had a mix of 12, 14 and 20 yo stuff and most seem to agree the 14 was the smoothest.

Then again, the distillery probably could have got away with dropping a few teabags in some metho and we still would have drank it and stood around nodding our heads at each other going mmmm - smooooth..
There is a scotch thread in tge off topic section. Have a browse rhru that. Heaps of reviews and suggestions.
If you want a really good introduction to peatier scotches pick up some Ardbeg Blasda - The least peaty scotch from a very peaty brewer.
You drinking it neat? If not any old scotch will do if you mix.
You drinking it neat? If not any old scotch will do if you mix.

Ahh yes... very good point. If you are mixing it with anything, particularly coke, the best scotch to buy is the cheapest possible because anything better would be a complete waste.

If you don't know what you like just look out for specials sometimes they do 2 bottles for $99.00 Laphroaig or similar which are\were \$79.00 each.

If you are new to single malts then Glenfiddich Solera 15year is a good example and is much better all round than the normal 12year. I prefer the 15year to the more expensive 18year.

Islay malts are the ones to look out for if you like the smokey peaty character. There are literally hundreds of Scottish Single Malts to go for should find one that you like by sampling as many as possible.

P.S. you should always add a dash of spring water to release the fuller flavours and aromas of a good malt. Straight whisky numbs the tastebuds and all you feel is the hot alcohol.( flame suit ).

Very good whisky can be taken neat but I prefer to prolong the experience with a little water.