What Sanitiser To Use

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have been using sodium metabisulphite but have been reading that its not the best,was wondering whats else is effective and save/easy to use.
Starsan is the ducks, easy to use, no rinse, and pretty cheap when you see how long a container lasts.

have been using sodium metabisulphite but have been reading that its not the best,was wondering whats else is effective and save/easy to use.

I personally love iodophor, cheap, effective and safe. Currently alternating with starsan as well though.

Both are great no-rinse sanitisers


Unfortunately the site sponsor that I purchase it from appears to be out until the end of October.
have been using sodium metabisulphite but have been reading that its not the best,was wondering whats else is effective and save/easy to use.

Country Brewer Liquid sanitiser is what I have been using, also morgans liquid sanitiser is good! get these from your LHBS (local home brew store) sodium metabisulpite does the jobbut needs to be used right, it's strong stuff...

Also I think their is a thread on this check the articles tab it's in their!
I personally love iodophor, cheap, effective and safe. Currently alternating with starsan as well though.

Both are great no-rinse sanitisers


sorry to sound stupid but is it availble from local home brew shops or where is the best place to get it
cheers will keep these names in the memory bank next time i pay a visit to the home brew shop.
I get 1 cup of sulfuric acid, 1 cup of caustic soda. Throw them both into the fermenter simultaneously and then run like hell.

.....Or I use starsan.
+1 on alternating starsan and iodorfor, the bugs don"t get used to one sanitzer.
it is better to be safe than sorry!
vinegar and bleach - research it before you use it as you can make nasty gas.
Saniclean here. A cousin of Starsan from fivestarchemicals.

Is the concentration you use 30ml bleach, then 20L water, then 30ml vinegar?

And is this no rinse?

I have been using this mix for a while but didn't trust it to be no-rinse as someone suggested.

How do you find it?

The answer to 'what sanitiser should I use?' might be as varied as 'what beer should I brew?' at least in so far as the fact that everyone has a different, and valid, opinion.

This link discusses the ins and outs of some of the most commonly used ones and how to use them: http://www.aussiehomebrewer.com/forum/inde...;showarticle=18

My opinion (and opinion only):

The easiest I've ever come across is starsan. However not having actually used it myself I can't say whether or not it's super anti infection fighter. All reports I hear say it is though and it's literally spray and forget. 30 odd dollars gets you many many many brews worth of sanitation as I believe it is diluted from concentrate (by you).

My method is not nearly as simple but I've remained infection free so far (had a flavour issue resulting from this routine not being followed correctly once though). Mine is not as simple and quick and is probably overkill so there you go:

Mix around 1 cap household chlorine bleach with 5L water. Add 1 capful white vinegar. Make sure all surfaces are covered thoroughly. Empty.

Rinse with boiling or near boiling water. (extra sanitation and drives off chlorine fumes)

Mix sodium metabisulphite with water. Make sure all surfaces are covered. Discard solution. Allow equipment to stand 1 hour. (extra sanitation and drives off chlorine fumes)

Rinse with cold water. Use immediately.

Potential issues: Chlorine can result in horrible flavours in resulting brew if not rinsed out correctly, unless used at certain lower levels (I think 1mL per 9 litres but check that thoroughly - I could be remembering incorrectly). Rinsing with super hot water is the way to go.

Sodium met is toxic and bad for athsmatics and needs to be rinsed. If you rinse with tap water then you are potentially adding back chlorine. I live in Melbourne and the water seems to be ok but it's worth being aware of.

I'll be getting some starsan before the year is out.
I used the bleach/vinegar on every brew myself. Never had an infection and never had a chlorine taste or smell.

My ratio I've always used is for every 5 litres water add in 10mL standard bleach (no perfumes or colours) then measure out 10mL white distiller vinegar and pour in. Mix and soak.

Fermenters, bottles, all the brew gear. No problems ever.

More importantly I dismantle and clean everything including the taps between brews.

There is a good Podcast on BYO .com where they interview John from Starsan and John Palmer and discuss Sanitation methods and the benefits.
I thought it was pretty good and worth a listen.
They also cover the effectiveness of sanitisers at certain PH levels.
Mixing Starsan with Distilled water due to the low PH and keeping in a spray bottle.
If things are easy I believe you are more likely to be more thorough.

The also cover cleaning and PBW .
I got a lot out of both these Podcasts !
I alredy use both products but now have a better understanding as to what they are doing and how good they really are.
I am not saying other methods aren't as good as I cannot comment, listening to these has made me far more confident with both products.


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