What Makes A Beer premium?

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fair enough...... i stand corected. They are still crap though!

I have noticed crown lager has started running ads in the sunday papers. An absolute farce i reckon. Pure marketing, nothing else. I would much rather drink the $30 haagen stuff than crown, i mean its pretty flavourless, but it doesnt get advertised as something its not. Crown is terrible, regardless if its bottled or on tap. However, its funny that a lot of people fall for the hype. I see people drinking it, and feel sorry for them.

A few years ago, i was at the local german club drinking a fantastic dunkel, and i saw 2 guys at the bar, less than a metre from the fancy font, drinking that shit. Made me laugh.

That's my anti commercial beer rant over, cant wait to crack a schwarzbier tonight!!!
I agree with Alexbrand , all homebrewers make PREMIUM beers , don't we ?
mje1980, a similar storey here, i was at the german club on oktoberfest weekedn, and a guy asks for a xxxx gold, they say they dont have any and he was P!ssed off!

Stupid people
Think I'll name my next brew "Extra Cold Premium (insert style here)".
Might interest tasteless friends to try it.
Actually, the name doesn't inspire me to brew it.... scratch that idea.
mje1980, a similar storey here, i was at the german club on oktoberfest weekedn, and a guy asks for a xxxx gold, they say they dont have any and he was P!ssed off!

Stupid people

slightly off-topic, i was down at margaret river over easter and stopped by the bootleg for a pint. there was a bloke sitting over from us who was just finishing off what looked like their settler's pale and said to his friends "that's the worst f***ing beer i have ever had" which was met with mutual grumbles of agreement from his mates, before they got up and left. saw them in town later in the evening drinking pure blondes on tap at the margaret river hotel.

ah...... :(
well I know that Boags Premium is just Boags draught in a green, slightly smaller bottle, that has been lagered for an extra month.
well I know that Boags Premium is just Boags draught in a green, slightly smaller bottle, that has been lagered for an extra month.

And a few years ago a beer called Empire lager was around.$27 bucks a carton and no one bought it.
Now its relabeled Pure Blonde at $40 plus a carton and sheep buy it en masse.
What a strange ol world.
Perhaps we should feel sorry for ourselves too.

Before I discovered AG I was happily quaffing "premium" beers and such with the mates knowing no different, the pub is now less attractive to me. Even the missus now cant stand her old favourite tooheys extra dry

Ignorance is bliss
slightly off-topic, i was down at margaret river over easter and stopped by the bootleg for a pint. there was a bloke sitting over from us who was just finishing off what looked like their settler's pale and said to his friends "that's the worst f***ing beer i have ever had" which was met with mutual grumbles of agreement from his mates, before they got up and left. saw them in town later in the evening drinking pure blondes on tap at the margaret river hotel.

ah...... :(

It was probably the only real f***ing beer he'd ever had.

It never ceases to amazing me how the average Australian has this self-image as a beer expert, but their idea of 'beer' begins with VB and ends with extra dry/blonde/wtf...

I vividly remember sitting in a pub in London with a bunch of Aussies whose main topic of conversation was how much better Australian beer was than the local stuff. They sucked down Fosters (yes...believe it or not), while I enjoyed the exquisite ales. You can lead an Aussie to real ale, but you can't make him stop drinking cat's piss.
And a few years ago a beer called Empire lager was around.$27 bucks a carton and no one bought it.
Now its relabeled Pure Blonde at $40 plus a carton and sheep buy it en masse.
What a strange ol world.

OMG...Empire Lager...a crime against brewing if ever there was.
well I know that Boags Premium is just Boags draught in a green, slightly smaller bottle, that has been lagered for an extra month.

nah, boags premium is a slightly different beer.

that said though, i prefer the taste of the "draught" to the premium.
Should add Pure and/or Blonde to the list.

And "Ice" , although that seems to be becoming extinct (Darwin might be right)
but here we are, making brew at home, while the commercial brewries are raking in the cash, for what you blokes say is crap, while we, or well me work a 40 more hour week, and can afford to down A COLD earned anything blonde, hahn super dry, heineken , and or carlsberg, I do love the ocasional coopers pale ale, my point is that we are still brewing in fermenters cause we have not broke the retail brew world, to rake in the trillions. BUt when we do I am sure your brew will be copping a crap rating on this site, dont knock them till you beat them.
mmmm i remember sitting in a meeting with a brewery that was going to relaunch and revive a brand they spent years trying to kill off saying that they will charge more so people think it's better. Then they started throwing around premium , imported and super premium as the emerging centers of profitibility in beer

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