What Is You 'house Beer' In The Winter?

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Wyeast 1469 West Yorkshire Ale
From a well-known and highly regarded brewery in Keighley, West Yorkshire, England. Full chewy malt flavor and character, but finishes dry, producing famously balanced beers. Moderate nutty and stone-fruit esters. Bright beers easily achieved within days without filtration. For production of cask-conditioned bitters, ESB and mild ale.
Alcohol tolerance approximately 9% ABV.
Flocculation: High.
Apparent Attenuation: 67-71% (64-72 F, 18-22 C)

I can't find it on the wyeast site???
That really sounds yummy... is it readily available i've never seen it at any suppliers?

Hey Rob I think it's a seasonal strain. I'm hoping Wyeast rotate it through again. Has a real emphasis on the "nutty" component. Lovely yeast. :)

Warren -
I'd guess mine is either an Irish Red or a chocolate-oatmeal-expresso stout, but they get drunk in summer as well. An Alt would be nice in winter as well, might have to put it back on tap <_< So many styles - so little time :(
Reading through this thread is making my mouth water

Best get home and get stuck into that ferm of Southern Brown then Thommo...
think you might need to be drunk tomorrow night at kick off.... :(


Arte et labore' ;)

I froze the sample of 1469 I had (cheers kirem) when I turned the lagering fridge down in temp at the beginning of summer last year.
I had told Dr S I would give him some but on finding it frozen I thought it would be knackered. I let it defrost and pitched it into a small 100ml starter as a "lets see if it is viable still test". 2 weeks later it started to show a small krausen on top of the starter, I kept stepping it up and as Dr S has stated, it has worked for him and I have used it 3 times this year with great results. Hopefully yours is still ok. It is a brilliant yeast IMHO!


The sample TDA gave me fired up quickly. I remembered to save a few vials of the starter for future brew. Very happy to hear its such a versatile yeast.

Have a porter and an IPA pencilled in with this yeast.

All this talk of beer has me itching to knock off early and get the landlord flowing..... :beer:
Winter beers....I can't choose only one. Here's my list of beloved winter warmers in no particular order:

Russian Imperial Stout
Doppelbock (any bock really)
Wee Heavy
Belgian Dark Strong
Pumpkin Pie Spice Old Ale (never made one but a friend always has one on tap - lovely)
Baltic Porter
American Amber (good any time of year)

All of a sudden I'm damn thirsty. :)
Hahaha... Now for the secret Blackburn handshake. :p

Warren -

It isnt secret gooner boy..!
tis an easy one to learn, thommo and i have refined it to art:
grab pint, extend arm, cheers, bend arm at elbow reducing the the angle, consume ale from pint. :D

DrSmurto, i agree... i want a TTLL about now too.
have you tried any caramelisation of first runnings.? could help...
It isnt secret gooner boy..!
tis an easy one to learn, thommo and i have refined it to art:
grab pint, extend arm, cheers, bend arm at elbow reducing the the angle, consume ale from pint. :D

LOL!! Yous forgot the limp Rover's wrist. :D

Warren -
DrSmurto, i agree... i want a TTLL about now too.
have you tried any caramelisation of first runnings.? could help...

Havent given this a go, noone seems to have had enough success to justify the effort!

Almost bought a TTL today, found a bottlo round the corner from work with a stash of different pommy beers.

Youngs double choc stout, spitfire, fursty ferret. But at $7.50 each i baulked.....

Havent' really tried too many bitters - maybe i should deflower myself and try brewing one :)
have you tried any caramelisation of first runnings.? could help...

Hey KoNG,

I tried this with all Bairds Golden Promise - 3 ltrs first-runnings reduced to syrup, and it did give a bit of colour, but nowhere near the colour of TTLA. It also didn't have nearly the body I was hoping for. I like the sound of MO with a bit of Munich in the grist.

I think there's a few threads discussing various TTLA clone attempts, and the verdict seams to be that the GP that TT use must be different to what we get.

1469 is a great yeast - hopefully Wyeast release it again for more of you to try.
I used it 3 times in various brews, and all were terrific.
Fast, clean and a great top flocker - very easy to harvest.
The sample TDA gave me fired up quickly. I remembered to save a few vials of the starter for future brew. Very happy to hear its such a versatile yeast.

Have a porter and an IPA pencilled in with this yeast.

All this talk of beer has me itching to knock off early and get the landlord flowing..... :beer:

Yes, thanks TDA, the bottle you dropped off to me that used this yeast cultured up very well and I am now planning several brews for winter with it.
First will probably be an English brown and a mild, the rap's on this yeast only make me wish I had one now!

Hey KoNG,

I tried this with all Bairds Golden Promise - 3 ltrs first-runnings reduced to syrup, and it did give a bit of colour, but nowhere near the colour of TTLA. It also didn't have nearly the body I was hoping for. I like the sound of MO with a bit of Munich in the grist.

I think there's a few threads discussing various TTLA clone attempts, and the verdict seams to be that the GP that TT use must be different to what we get.

1469 is a great yeast - hopefully Wyeast release it again for more of you to try.
I used it 3 times in various brews, and all were terrific.
Fast, clean and a great top flocker - very easy to harvest.

Hutch, ive tasted a beer brewed with 100% JW ale that had 2 litres reduced to 1 litre.. and there was noticable difference, but i agree i think TTLL has a bit more of something.

My thoughts are that even though TTLL is known to be 100% GP, that doesnt mean its 100% GP "Ale" malt. A maltser can do anything with the GP variety of barley as they can with any other.

Might have to have another go at the yeast though.
From memory Warren sent me some, but i let it leave the brewery with only one brew..! :eek: :(
Duff has done an awesome TTL clone. Not sure how close it is because I've never done the side by side comparison, but it was stunning, especially through the beer engine. Send him a PM.
From memory Warren sent me some, but i let it leave the brewery with only one brew..! :eek: :(

The chain letter of yeast. I got my sample from TDA. Alas the same thing. One night stand unfortunately. Hope Wyeast bring it back soon. Some Leuven Pale Ale yeast would be good too. <_<

Thommo... Nuthin wrong with bein' an arse-man. We grab them better than trophies this year. :lol:

Warren -
Duff has done an awesome TTL clone. Not sure how close it is because I've never done the side by side comparison, but it was stunning, especially through the beer engine. Send him a PM.

I'll email Duff for that... thanks for the tip of thommo.
if your watching duff, maybe others would appreciate your recipe.

The chain letter of yeast. I got my sample from TDA. Alas the same thing. One night stand unfortunately. Hope Wyeast bring it back soon. Some Leuven Pale Ale yeast would be good too. <_<

Thommo... Nuthin wrong with bein' an arse-man. We grab them better than trophies this year. :lol:

Warren -

:lol: maybe we need to sweet talk TDA again, while promising a longer relationship this time.!

Pity your not an ASS-MAN warren, Kramer had a set of licence plates with that moniker last night that he didnt want.
I just love a nice ESB during the Autumnal and Winter months and perhaps even the Spring , Hell and if it is a not a real Summer (well in NSW)then too.

+1 Pumpy. Can't stop brewing my Ambleside ESB so I suppose you could call it my house beer?

Big fan of all dark beers as well & am not particular what season I drink them. :rolleyes:

Just put to bed my first Chocolate Spiced Oatmeal Porter & can't wait ---- yum, yum.

TP :beer:

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