What I Learned From My Second Brew...

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bit of a ramble after putting down my second brew on sunday,
- my bbq's wok burner is not strong enough to get 14L of wort to a rolling boil without the lid on
- i can see how you guys get so troppo over the smell of a boil
- my brew buddy can't handle a bitter beer (this porridge is too hot... :lol: ), so while i dont have to worry about him stealing my gage roads ipa, i will have to buy my own fermenter if i wana try to make one of my own (we went halves on the original setup)
- keeping everything post boil sanitised is a LOT easier said than done...
- it is completely ordinary to have a stocking smelling of malty hops hanging on your clothes line drying
- non-kit yeasts RULE!
- milk frothing thermometer: 13.95, not having to wait 90 seconds to see the temperature of your steeping water on a candy thermometer: priceless
- if nothing else, little brothers are good for making sure your steeping water stays at 70 degrees while you sit down and have a beer.
- the sound of happiness is very very similar to the sound of a bubbling air lock
- chest freezers get very hot on the outside trying to freeze 5 3L milk bottles full of water to keep the fermenter cool


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