Something easy to drink in large quantities. Rely on good attenuation as much as bitterness to balance it. Hop it gently with some american or english varieties, use a clean ale yeast and 100% pils malt. Make it around 6-6.5%.
Stuff 'em... 60 Litres of Dark Mild Pumpy. They can like it or lump it. :beerbang:
Sure to be a crowd pleaser.
Warren -
Keep it simple Pumpy
I recently had a first birthday party for my boy.
I made 3 kegs.
Coopers Draught with be2
Coopers Pale with be2
Coopers Pale, 500g malt, 300g wheat malt and a teabag of saaz hops
The first two kegs were guzzled down in 2 hours.
No one liked the last one. Too bitter
Kai 6-6.5 is that a bit strong there are forty coming dont want em too drunk
That's the ideaOr stick to 4-4.5% but in that case slip in a small amount of vienna/munich (5-10%) and/or crystal (2-3%).
Ditch the kit idea, don't compromise your principles.
I like that Kai 'dont Compromise your principles'
25l batch
4kg JWM Pils
0.5kg wheat
0.1kg crystal
15g Northern brewer (6%) @ 60
35g hallertaurer (3.5%) @ 30
20g hallertaurer (3.5%) @ 10
single infusion mash @ 66,
batch sparge
OG 1046
27 IBU
US56 @ 16-18 degrees