What Are Your Brewing Plans For 2005

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As you must brew, so you must drink
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Well thats just about another year shot to the *******. In 2004 i went from my first ever Cooper H.B. kit to getting all the gear together for AG and even got 2 down (that tasted tops.) I did a Bock and a big Oatmeal Stout. I did a total of 15 brews in my first year thanks to you blokes for all the info and help, even got real time help doing my first AG. That threads a good read.
Anyway so what have all u got planned for next year. JM as got some big plans and i just wat to find time to do at least an AG per month.


I have only 3 brews under my belt so 2005 should be big for me. My first priority is to get kegging up and running. I have all the bits except my reg and tap that is on its way from GMK as we speak. :D
Hope to be drinking home brew on tap New Years Eve. :p
Will progress to extract and no doubt the AG bug will bite sometime in '05!!!!!

I've been straying from the Reinheitsgebot of late and been working on some AG beers with high % of adjuncts.....
So first off the mark for 2005 will be a Mexican Cervesa with 30% flaked maze (yanks call it flaked corn). I just have to find a source for it over here in the west.
Worst case I'll mail order some from a HB shop over east.... (Any HB shop owners reading this stock the Thomas Fawcett Flaked maze product?)..
Also in search of the White Labs Mexican Lager Yeast WLP940. Its a seasonal one I think....

Anyone heard of Agave Nectar? They ferment this stuff to make tequila.... For all the extract brewers out there, This could be a great alternative to adding DME to a Blond kit to get that authentic Mexican beer flavour.... not sure if its available in Aus though....

Happy brewy-year!

Asher for now
Roy sells the TF maize, its not that cheap, but it saves gelatinising polenta. I bought a kg off him a couple of weeks ago for ESBs.
PS 2005 is THE YEAR OF THE KEGS at Big Dog Brewing. Will still bottle the specialty beers, but planning on the drinking stuff being on tap.
my plans are (and subject to change at a moments notice)

get some kegs etc.
build a bar area kinda thing
build/get some better brewing equipment
try to brew more often

and, try to get some more beer into the nationals and try and go better then this year :)
Well in december i hope to do my first full wort boil extract beer, will be only my third for the year.. i also hope to do my first ever lager..

in 2005 i hope to progress to mini-mash and hopefully to all-grain at some point..

mainly to drink and make more beer..
The big one for me is kegging. I've lost a couple of brews due to hassles in the bottling department (i.e. getting them and getting around to bottling), so kegging is looking very attractive. I've already ordered the kegs from the US, now just need to order some taps and dooverlackies and I'll be in business. I'm now doing AG brews without problems, and will probably add some small tweaks both to my technique and in the materials department in order to increase effeciency a bit.
OK my plans for 2005 - started converting a bay of my shed into
BrewInn Barossa. This will consist of:

- Complete the Upright Wine Cellar/Ale conditioning room air con cooled to 19 degrees.
- Build the 1.8m x 2.0m Cool room for the new bar keg setup - air con cooled to 6 degrees.
- Install the bar with the new six tier Flooded font.
- buy a chest freezer and another fountain pump to ICE up my font.
- install the laundry tub behind the bar and finish off the room.
- then start work on the workshop - other part of the shed.

Plan to upgrade the Brewery - make doing double batches and big barley wines easier:
- go from 35ltr HLT to 60ltr HLT
- go from 36ltr Mash tun to 50ltr Mash tun
- keep the 75ltr Electric copper washer- then it is all matched.

Plan to brew AG at least once a month - will need to to keep the six kegs full and on tap.

This will keep busy for a while.
First I had to lookup what my resolutions were for 2004.

Mine are to spend a brew day in a micro brewery (which I hope to do on a trip to NZ in a couple of months), start experimenting more with my mash schedules eg decoctions and step mashes, and to start gathering/hording the equipment to turn my AG brewing gear into a RIMS or HERMES.

Well I did the brewday in a NZ brewery (Wellington Brewing Company), didn't really experiment with step or decoction mashes, but have started gathering equipment to upgrade my brewery.
I also did a lot of experimentation with big beers and upgraded the brewery for the 1100 litre fermentation chest freezer.

So for 2005 I will want to continue some experimentation with big beers, nail down my brewday to fit in three AG brews regularly, and continue to upgrade my AG gear with items like a pump, plate chiller etc.
I also want to finally nail a great Saison and Wheat beer. I've come very close, but need a bit more experimentation.

I just want to work on my processes to the point where I get consistent, predictable (and drinkable) results.
I have some kegs, tap, reg and a fridge. My first '05 project will be getting the kegs full of beer and dispensing. Bye-Bye bottling!.

Second project is full wort boils and AG. I have most of the gear for that. Just need to get a wort chiller, burner and make a manifold for my MLT. Should have that sorted by the end of Summer, if I'm organised enough. Will need to organise a grain mill so I can buy grain in 25Kg bags.

Beer-wise, I'm not sure. Still chasing the ellusive Perfect Porter, but I think I'll put down a few single malt brews to nail the AG process. I've had pretty good results with partial mashes, so I think for me 2005 will be the year of AG and kegs.
I sell flaked maize.

Apart from some historic brewing as outlined in another thread I would like to brew a perfect Pilsner. Also, brew a "real" Newcastle Brown Ale by brewing and ageing a stronger version of it, then blending that with a fresh, weaker version of the ale. using my 20L wooden barrel for the ageing that should give some authenticity!

Maybe malt some of that sloop malt to make a diastatic brown malt and use that to brew an all brown malt Porter

Jovial Monk
after a big 2004 in upgrading most parts of my AG setup, the current spell of hot weather here in Adelaide and 3 fermenters of assorted ale consequently pushing towards the mid 20's(eek!), has meant that a ferment fridge is no. 1 on the priority list.

also i don't think my back will last another year lifting the equipment out of the tool shed for set up, lifting the strike/sparge water for the mash tun, lifting the kettle to fit the CFWC, and lifting full fermenters around. So a pump and 2/3 tier brew stand are also on the hit list.

from there i can concentrate more on the process and refining the recipes. armed with a ferment fridge a perfect pils would be my main aim

- Continue to learn about this addictive hobby
- Maintain my 1 AG each week and experiment with different styles
- Get a keg system setup
- Buy a grain mill and start buying in bulk
- Get around to making a yeast starter
- Buy another fridge to CC in

I think it's wonderful how people set goals :lol:

GMK, Is that all, that should keep you going for a week or 2 but what about the rest of the year.

DUFF, 1 AG per week, your a machine!!!!!!!!!!
I really want to iron out the wrinkles in my A.G system, nothing major I just want it to flow smoothly. Don't need any more equipement (at the moment :.) ). but i really would like to brew a good english brown ale and a CAP, any recipe ideas would be appreciated.
Well, last year, I said:

1) try some new styles that are challenging, i.e extended lagered Marzen/oktoberfest, chocolate porter, weizen doppelbock. dare I attempt a lambic?

2) start a brewclub, which is missing in my part of town, and get some brewery tours, mash days, sampling nights, guest speakers etc happening.

3) convert more friends to homebrewing - I'm planning a group brew session to show them how easy it is.

4) drink my way through the menu at Brisbane's new Belgian beer Cafe!

I managed the Octoberfest, but still haven't made the porter or the doppelbock. Haven't started the brewclub, but have quite a few interested and have lined up sponsorship. I certainly converted a few friends to brewing - good success there! I've drunk about 80% of the beers at the BBC, so not a bad effort.

So, in 2005, the plan is to:

1) brew the porter and the weizen doppelbock, and really get into perfecting some Belgian ales.

2) renovate the bar, with a new bar top, 3-tap font installed, install a bulkhead with downlights, glass rack, etc.

3) Have a crack at a full volume all grain.

4) make something with rauchmalt in it.

5) convince my wife that 4 pints a night really is good for my health :p

Cheers - Snow
Well, my main focus will be on refining my AG setup. I've got the real basics under reasonable control - now time to really improve the technique.

I'm going to continue my efforts to brew the 'perfect' Pilsner, albeit wihtout Czech water!

I'm going to really test my outer 'tool challenged' limits by trying to build a 3 tier system like the shiny ones you blokes have been showing off. I've done enough AG brewing now to know I'm completely hooked and that it is worth it. Lifting the old keg boiler and HLT is a pain in the arse... I'll see what I can come up with!

That's enough for starters I think...

Well. This year I achieved quite a lot. I've got a grain mill, a kegging system, fire extinguisher CO2 cylinder, visited morebeer, aquired another fermentation fridge and brewed some great beer.

Next year I hope to have upgraded my brewery to a two tier 10 gallon system with my recently purchased pump (but where is it-Damn Australia post!!). Fully build and finish my control panel for my brewery including pump controls and thermostat for HLT. No doubt I'll end up getting fancy with my pump and build a HERMS or something
silly like that.

Plus I need to get more organised and enter some beers in the various brewing competitions around the country. I'm still yet to do it but this coming year they are going to be major goals. I'd really like to see how some of them stack up.

But the ability to brew double batches will be a major goal and comps, that's about it. Oh and try not to waste so much time on this forum ;)
