First I had to lookup what my
resolutions were for 2004.
Mine are to spend a brew day in a micro brewery (which I hope to do on a trip to NZ in a couple of months), start experimenting more with my mash schedules eg decoctions and step mashes, and to start gathering/hording the equipment to turn my AG brewing gear into a RIMS or HERMES.
Well I did the brewday in a NZ brewery (Wellington Brewing Company), didn't really experiment with step or decoction mashes, but have started gathering equipment to upgrade my brewery.
I also did a lot of experimentation with big beers and upgraded the brewery for the 1100 litre fermentation chest freezer.
So for 2005 I will want to continue some experimentation with big beers, nail down my brewday to fit in three AG brews regularly, and continue to upgrade my AG gear with items like a pump, plate chiller etc.
I also want to finally nail a great Saison and Wheat beer. I've come very close, but need a bit more experimentation.