What are you listening to

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Well, for the old bastards (and after a day of cleaning up and intalling 2 taps) I'm listening to Nick Drake

the willowz

denise drysdale


flock of seagulls

britney spears

stormtroopers of death

brian eno

vanilla ice



the von bondies


tammin sursok

bob dylan



pet shop boys




guy sebastian

big black

slim dusty

godspeed you black emperor

stephen malkmus

.........and everything in between

lists like this **** me. just give everything a listen - you never know, you may like it. a good song is a good song, whether it is death metal or pop. :ph34r:

Jez said:
denise drysdale


whether it is death metal or pop. :ph34r:


VIM: I don't think you can be funny about metal.
COLIN: I think you can everytime you pick up a ruddy guitar you frightfull thing.

If it is choice for Led Zep then for this very moment:
Black Country Women
Good Time Bad Times
Tomorrow it will be different, but that is the richness of Led Zeppelin.

Edit: spelling, any chance of a spell checker on the posts? I'd help code it if need be.
Weizguy said:

Supernaut!?! ?!? :blink: Saw them at the Broadmeadows town hall in 1977. Amongst all the local Sharpies.

Good to hear there's somebody as old as me! :D

Just as long as ya don't like it both ways! (Strictly a quote from Supernaut) :lol:

Warren -
Hey Goat. Nick Drake? Is it Pink Moon you're listening to?
warrenlw63 said:
Weizguy said:

Supernaut!?! ?!? :blink: Saw them at the Broadmeadows town hall in 1977. Amongst all the local Sharpies.

Good to hear there's somebody as old as me! :D

Just as long as ya don't like it both ways! (Strictly a quote from Supernaut) :lol:

Warren -

Gee, I laughed when I read this post.
I thought that the Supernaut reference would go undetected.
Cheers and thanks for the laugh Warren.

Seth :p
Weizguy said:
Gee, I laughed when I read this post.
I thought that the Supernaut reference would go undetected.
Cheers and thanks for the laugh Warren.

Seth :p

No probs. Seth.

No chance of that slipping by. Talking to a kid who grew up in the nthn. suburbs of Melbourne in the 70s.

Don't get me started on Lobby Lloyd. Where did I put my treads? B)

Warren -
Busboy - it was Bryter Layter actually (not there are many to chose from)
Im a devoted Jimi fan and cant go past all across the watchtower. I also like

Pink Floyd
The Rolling Stones
Guns n Roses
Led Zepplin
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Also anything on WSFM

And by the way im only 18 and i too cant stand that stupid doof doof crap or hiphop or any of that crap. Love the classics

warrenlw63 said:
Weizguy said:
Gee, I laughed when I read this post.
I thought that the Supernaut reference would go undetected.
Cheers and thanks for the laugh Warren.

Seth :p

No probs. Seth.

No chance of that slipping by. Talking to a kid who grew up in the nthn. suburbs of Melbourne in the 70s.

Don't get me started on Lobby Lloyd. Where did I put my treads? B)

Warren -
While you are at it dont forget Dave and the Derros. "Nice legs shame about the face" :lol: :lol:

johnno said:
While you are at it dont forget Dave and the Derros. "Nice legs shame about the face" :lol: :lol:



I have that single. It almost made it onto my compilation CD.
I believe that it was originally done by "The Monks" in England.
While we are off-topic, do U recall if the "Dave" in the band was David Jones, coz I think he does a radio program in Newcastle now.

Yep Weiz, 'Dave' was indeed David Jones who has been a local DJ since the late 70s. Ah, Newcastle trivia - I'm sure we're entertaining the entire board :p
Cut me some slack. I just got back home from watching my team lose its TENTH straight game :(

This is what is on high rotation on my computer:

The Cure
Xavier Rudd
Stabbing Westward
Marilyn Manson
Depeche Mode
A Perfect Circle
The Smiths
Tea Party
But I have 30Gb of my own CD's ripped onto my computer, so that list can change daily.
Hey Shawn and Seth,

Being Newcastle lads, were you ever Bob Hudson fans? The Newcastle Song never exactly did you guys any favours :p

What about the sequel. Rack off Normie.

"Don't you ever let a chance go by o Lord" :lol:

Warren -
nonicman said:
World War XXIV


That brings some pissed and bent memories back Nonicman.

Saw them at the Trade Union in the early 80's, came out soaked in beer!

Do you recall Positive Hatred, Lime Spiders, Itchy Rat, Eastern Dark, The Kelpies and The Rocks?

I missed many of those bands only returned to these shores in the late eighties as a young punk with a silly accent, but Lime Spiders came to the Gong, I recall the journey to the gig but the details are wobby after that :)
warrenlw63 said:
Hey Shawn and Seth,

Being Newcastle lads, were you ever Bob Hudson fans? The Newcastle Song never exactly did you guys any favours :p

What about the sequel. Rack off Normie.

"Don't you ever let a chance go by o Lord" :lol:

Warren -

Never a big fan of Bob Hudson. But I'm a big believer in the philosophy that there is no such thing as bad publicity.

I think that the title of the sequel was spelled Rak off Normie.

World War XXIV

One of my mates has a recording by these guys. he loves it and sez it is an expensive collectible these daze.

Do you recall Positive Hatred, Lime Spiders, Itchy Rat, Eastern Dark, The Kelpies and The Rocks?

Was reading about The Kelpies in a book called "Sex Drugs and Mum in the front row" by Evan Kanarakis. Apparently The Kelpies fans trashed the venue every gig.

I've seen the Lime Spiders in Newie, as well as The Fireballs, and a great band with a great name ...Frozen Doberman. I'm amazed at some of the great bands that make it to Newcastle, including th Sex Pistols on their Filthy Lucre tour.

Good times.
Seth out :p