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Grave Digger
Iron Maiden
Bruce Sprigsteen
Johnny Cash
Davide Van De Sfroos
Veronica - Elvis Costello

A song he wrote about his grandmother who developed dementia and ended up in a nursing home.

Lecterfan said:
The band? I dig the riffs but the front mans whole "I'm down on everything 'cause I've ****** everything up" vibe on every song wears thin quick with me. I'd like to give him a hug. Also the overdubbing of every vocal makes want to take that hug back.
jlm said:
The band? I dig the riffs but the front mans whole "I'm down on everything 'cause I've ****** everything up" vibe on every song wears thin quick with me. I'd like to give him a hug. Also the overdubbing of every vocal makes want to take that hug back.
I agree with you on that, but no I mean the latest Iommi/Butler release.
Currently into instrumental and post-rock so at the moment, I mostly have this on repeat:

pg.lost - terrain

Bigg Jus - Black Mamba Serums v2.0

I am a big fan of El and Co Flow, but Jus' solo stuff does not get anywhere near the exposure, certainly because it is a lot less accessible. The first two tracks of this album have more real hip hop in them than most new popular MC's whole careers.

I am grateful that someone put them together, seeing as they are kinda one song:
seamad said:
Dylan, Tempest.
"nothing can affect my voice, it's so bad "
bit of a dylan tragic, loving this sitting in front of the fire sipping a tripel.
I too am a total Dylan tragic. I must say I thought the album was a tad under par compared to his last four albums, but nonetheless still damn good. I've been flogging John Wesley Harding and also the I'm not there soundtrack.

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