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God i remember the days of using 30 or 40g of hops in a brew.

ITs 180 minimum these days, up to 400 in something hoppy but im breweing over 50 liters


Whew !

I'd like to try one of the big hopped drops to see if I like or not.

Whew !

I'd like to try one of the big hopped drops to see if I like or not.



Try hopping a beer as follows.

Brew a simple beer like a pale ale with mostly ale malt and maybe some munich and wheat if you please.

make it to say..... 1.048

boil it for 60 min.

add1 to 1.5g/liter of beer at flame out and 15 min additions.

make up your bitterness to 25 to 27 IBU with hops at a 45 min addition



Try hopping a beer as follows.

Brew a simple beer like a pale ale with mostly ale malt and maybe some munich and wheat if you please.

make it to say..... 1.048

boil it for 60 min.

add1 to 1.5g/liter of beer at flame out and 15 min additions.

make up your bitterness to 25 to 27 IBU with hops at a 45 min addition




in a 60min boil my first hop addition is at 45 min to make the bitterness to 27IBU,

and then say a 30gm addition @ 15min and another 30gm @ flameout to give me a total of say 80 to 85 gm hops ?

yeah the hops are right but you wont need the full 27 IBU at 45 min because you might get 12 or so at the 15 min addition depending on the hops you use.

you will need to add enough hops at 45 min to bring the bitterness up to the 27 IBU

Well it smells great.

It has a great sweet hoppy fruity smell to it.

Non of that pine kind of thing that i hate about cascade.

I mixed it with B-SAAZ last time to see if i could learn to like cascade but it didnt really work.

The beer was nice but it still had cascade in it if you know what i mean.

the amarillo/B-SAAZ combo smells and tastes great.

cant wait.

Wasn't such a good triple brew day after all..............

First brew, the koelsch, went great. Hit temps, everything AOK...

Then Browndog's Duvel Clone... Dunno what happened there, but 15litres mash in with 6.5kg grain seemed VERY thick... had no other hot water around, so was 15mins before i could add more, then the temp was low. Ah stuff it, keep going. Rest went fine, sugar in @10 to run in boil. Cubed, washing keggle for next run, seems some sugar has caramalised on the botom. Bugger i says. F*&^ it, next ones a porter, won't matter.

Mashed in on the BVIP, all good with temps, stirring, then snap. stirring paddle broke... oh ****, how much worse can this day get? hehehe............... Stick the 60min addition at the right time, come upstairs to feed the son, get him ready for bed. Duck down to the 10min addition... no flame... :eek: gosh, says I... Change gas bottles, measure the temp and guestimate ho long it's been off for.. add anothe 20 mins to boil. Cube it, about 1 litre too much. :ph34r: oh well....

So there you have it. Although i must say, 3 brews, from go to whoa, 8 hours. :beerbang: pretty impressed with that. And 90 min boils too!!!!!!

Browndog... the recipie was just a copy of yours, with some bastardised hop additions...

Jye.. I'll keep some aside for you if i make it down. Looking fairly unlikely at this stage, but there's always the post.. :D
Just finished the boil,
4500 pils malt
.500 rice hulls
25gm NB 60min
10gm Amarillo 10 min
23gm Swiss Lager

for my mates who dont like my Ales.


Yard, i assume you mean flaked rice, not rice hulls :blink: ?? :blink:

cheers Ross
Glad someone knows what they're on about LOL.

Jye.. I'll keep some aside for you if i make it down. Looking fairly unlikely at this stage, but there's always the post.. :D

Cheers Fixa :beer:
Doing a Saison in the rainy Sydney weather at the moment. Not much else to do on a rainy Saturday night. I cultured up some WLP565 Dupont from a bottle Stuster gave me the other week.

First attempt at a Saison.

1.054@82%, 23L, 5EBC, 26 IBU
1.5kg Wey Vienna
1.5kg JW Pils
1kg JW Trad Ale
0.5kg Fine Borghul
0.5kg Cane Sugar

+ 2.5g CaSO4 + 1g MgSO4 + Citric acid


60m Hallertau NZ 7% 22g
30m Mt Hood USA 3.3% 20g
Flameout Mt Hood USA 3.3% 15g + Challenger UK 6.5% 15g + D Saaz NZ 5.1% 15g

+ 800mL stirplate WLP565 starter

Will add citric acid in secondary to get the tartness right, and will boil up some dried orange peel later on, don't have it right now...

Was going to do an SNPA but i had some inspiration last night from Stuster's saison. SNPA can wait, i have enough APA's/Blonde Ales at the moment.
It's been a while... January since my last brew. I know, I know, I'm lazy.

Anyways, put down my first Blonde for spring time today.

"Blonde Bombshell"

3.5 Kg Pale 2-Row
1.0 Kg Weyermann Pale Wheat
1.0 Kg Weyermann Munich II (I wanted Light munich but the LHBS was out, so had to settle)

7 g Simcoe 12% 60 min
28 g Brambling Cross 5.5% 30 min
28 g Brambling Cross 5.5% 0 min

OG: 1.054
Estimated Colour: ~5 SRM
Estimated IBU: ~27

Yeast: Danstar Nottingham
It's been a while... January since my last brew. I know, I know, I'm lazy.

Anyways, put down my first Blonde for spring time today.

"Blonde Bombshell"

3.5 Kg Pale 2-Row
1.0 Kg Weyermann Pale Wheat
1.0 Kg Weyermann Munich II (I wanted Light munich but the LHBS was out, so had to settle)

7 g Simcoe 12% 60 min
28 g Brambling Cross 5.5% 30 min
28 g Brambling Cross 5.5% 0 min

OG: 1.054
Estimated Colour: ~5 SRM
Estimated IBU: ~27

Yeast: Danstar Nottingham

Hi Norsman - I'm surprised you are using nottingham in a Blonde - I find the dusty taste just doesn't subside in a light beer. US-56 would be my preference for the style...

cheers Ross
Hi Norsman - I'm surprised you are using nottingham in a Blonde - I find the dusty taste just doesn't subside in a light beer. US-56 would be my preference for the style...

cheers Ross

Hey Ross, you are a great wealth of knowledge here on this forum. I've heared you talk about Nottingham being dusty in light beers before, but I thought I'd give Nottingham a try in a light ale to see what you mean by "dusty". I really like Nott for its compact sedimentation, however I've only used it in darker ales. Also, I've used 1056 a couple times before and had problems with floculation... is US 56 better for flocc??
Nursing a 14 stubbie hangover and a 3.00 am finish to the night, I managed to drag my sorry self out of bed this morning for a double brew day. Mashed in at 8.00 and cleaned up by 12.30, 2 x Australian Ales in the fermenters and I am now feeling slightly better.

Just waiting for the boil to start:


I plan on dry-hopping it to the bejesus with heaps more Amarillo :chug:

(Note to self: Order more Amarillo from Ross...NOW! :eek: )


*edit* - Just visited the craftbrewer site, tried to order a 450g bag of Amarillo and got this message: "The selected quantity exceeds available stock. We currently have 0 items available." :( :( *cry*
It's been a while... January since my last brew. I know, I know, I'm lazy.

Anyways, put down my first Blonde for spring time today.

"Blonde Bombshell"

3.5 Kg Pale 2-Row
1.0 Kg Weyermann Pale Wheat
1.0 Kg Weyermann Munich II (I wanted Light munich but the LHBS was out, so had to settle)

7 g Simcoe 12% 60 min
28 g Brambling Cross 5.5% 30 min
28 g Brambling Cross 5.5% 0 min

OG: 1.054
Estimated Colour: ~5 SRM
Estimated IBU: ~27

Yeast: Danstar Nottingham

I noticed (and still do) a lot of dustiness/grainyness in my blonde with nottingham, though it has subsided a little over 2 months. What temperature did you mash at? Perhaps the maltiness from the munich will hide a little of the Nottinghamness from it?

Ill be interested to hear the results.
I noticed (and still do) a lot of dustiness/grainyness in my blonde with nottingham, though it has subsided a little over 2 months. What temperature did you mash at? Perhaps the maltiness from the munich will hide a little of the Nottinghamness from it?

Ill be interested to hear the results.

I havent picked up the dustiness of nottingham in my beers but others have. My current american wheat was done with nottingham and it has a very distinct grainy aroma and flavour, a little bit of a distraction from the wheat :(

Im now back using us56 and will give it another run with my regular beers to pick up any differences... it just seems to take so loooong to ferment compared to nottingham.
*edit* - Just visited the craftbrewer site, tried to order a 450g bag of Amarillo and got this message: "The selected quantity exceeds available stock. We currently have 0 items available." :( :( *cry*

Back in stock :)

Cheers Ross
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