Wasn't such a good triple brew day after all..............
First brew, the koelsch, went great. Hit temps, everything AOK...
Then Browndog's Duvel Clone... Dunno what happened there, but 15litres mash in with 6.5kg grain seemed VERY thick... had no other hot water around, so was 15mins before i could add more, then the temp was low. Ah stuff it, keep going. Rest went fine, sugar in @10 to run in boil. Cubed, washing keggle for next run, seems some sugar has caramalised on the botom. Bugger i says. F*&^ it, next ones a porter, won't matter.
Mashed in on the BVIP, all good with temps, stirring, then snap. stirring paddle broke... oh ****, how much worse can this day get? hehehe............... Stick the 60min addition at the right time, come upstairs to feed the son, get him ready for bed. Duck down to the 10min addition... no flame...

gosh, says I... Change gas bottles, measure the temp and guestimate ho long it's been off for.. add anothe 20 mins to boil. Cube it, about 1 litre too much.

h34r: oh well....
So there you have it. Although i must say, 3 brews, from go to whoa, 8 hours. :beerbang: pretty impressed with that. And 90 min boils too!!!!!!
Browndog... the recipie was just a copy of yours, with some bastardised hop additions...
Jye.. I'll keep some aside for you if i make it down. Looking fairly unlikely at this stage, but there's always the post..