Hey Fixa, slurping one of those Duvel clones right now and after the day I have had, I could do with some strong ones (did you find the recipe in the BYO mag?) Sorry to go off topic here abit (should have found the balls up thread) My brewday was a major &^%& up. It is all Bonj's faultfor coming around for an AG demo, how can you concentrate on what you are doing when you are describing what you are doing lol
We mashed in and nailed the mash temp of 66C, I was pretty chuffed. The problem came when I did the final sparge and was pumping the wort into the kettle, the level in the kettle reached my mark and kept going, I thought this is odd.... the level in the tun had dropped bugger all. It then hit me that I forgot to shut off the valve from the MLT DOH DOH DOH........ By the time I drained the tun into the kettle there was 45L in there instead of 32.7L. A phone call to Ross for reassurance and a healty two hr boil and two boilovers later we were back to where we should have been. The next stuff up was I added my bittering hops at 60min instead of 50min and when I went to drain my HLT at the end of the day found a back wash of grain had infiltrated the MLT and needed a good clean out. All the time me reassuring Bonj that this was the first time I'd ever had these problems. Thank god he didn't have his camera, the shots would have complemented the ones of me and Pumpy BBQing on Batz back deckThe end result one embarrassed 2nd yr brewer, a slightly overbittered wort that reached 1.073 instead of 1.081 which I put down to wort left over in the tun and losses from the two boil overs and a major excess usage of gas. Glad this happened before my brewday in april.
A while since I've had one of those brewdays (knock on wood) BD, but may I say "Welcome to the Major Fcuk Up Club". Just a tad stressfull eh! Nemind, a little Duvel will fix it!