The Mrs has taken the kids to Canberra for the day, leaving me rugrat-free so I just mashed in a bit of a kitchen sink Porter. Double batch.
1 Bucket Marris Otter
.75 Bucket JW Trad Ale
.1 Bucket Wey Munich II
.15 Bucket Wey Vienna
350g Dark Crystal
150g Light Crystal
150g Black Malt
100g Carafa Spec II
3 Handsful of Brown Malt
2 Grabs of JW Choc
My 44L esky tun is pretty much full, and as far as I can tell with a gentle stir, the mash is floating
Going to bitter this with some 2 year old Pride Plus flowers to about 40 IBU then whirlpool lots of EKG at the end. Will also add about 300g of white sugar to bring the body down a little.
Not sure of yeast yet.