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Hi guys just a quick question about my style of brewing it has occoured to me that maybe i brewing partial not extract so im going to explain how i do it and let the pros tell me

after deciding what to make i will usually have 2.5 kgs of extract in the fermenter and 1 kg of grain of different sorts in my bag i will then fill the a pot with 5ltrs of water add the grain and step the temps up with rest at 1 or 2 temps finnaly endind at a tempm of 70 degrees c for about 1 hour i then remove the grain bag and but it in the fermenter and tie it open around the top so i can pour my wort through it when i have finished boiling my hops i then do my hop boil and stain it through the bag into the fermenter the bag it a great filter because i use pellets all my trub and hops get caught in the bag i will the sparge the grain with 2 liters of boiling through the bag when its all drained i will then fill the fermenter to required level with cold water which normally gives me the right temp some time i have to wait a while for the temp to drop pitch the yeast and off she goes

so what type of brewing is this is it partial of extract

i thought it was extract but with a few comments i have read around the place im thinks maybe i have stepped in the the partial brewing field
Your post is a little hard to read with out any full stops and commas.

However it sounds like you are attempting a partial or extract either way will depend on the types of grain. Any case one of the important things I see here is that after soaking "mashing" you grains, the resultant liquid needs to be boiled to kill any bugs which may cause infection.
When doing a partial or extract brew you need to boil your hop additions in order to extract the bitterness and flavor. You can boil your hops in the liquid extracted from the grain. If it is indeed a partial then a 60min boil is required. Your hop additions will be made throughout this time.

This is only a small amount of info I know but it may just get you started. There is a lot more info Here to get you started.

Hi guys just a quick question about my style of brewing it has occoured to me that maybe i brewing partial not extract so im going to explain how i do it and let the pros tell me

after deciding what to make i will usually have 2.5 kgs of extract in the fermenter and 1 kg of grain of different sorts in my bag i will then fill the a pot with 5ltrs of water add the grain and step the temps up with rest at 1 or 2 temps finnaly endind at a tempm of 70 degrees c for about 1 hour i then remove the grain bag and but it in the fermenter and tie it open around the top so i can pour my wort through it when i have finished boiling my hops i then do my hop boil and stain it through the bag into the fermenter the bag it a great filter because i use pellets all my trub and hops get caught in the bag i will the sparge the grain with 2 liters of boiling through the bag when its all drained i will then fill the fermenter to required level with cold water which normally gives me the right temp some time i have to wait a while for the temp to drop pitch the yeast and off she goes

so what type of brewing is this is it partial of extract

i thought it was extract but with a few comments i have read around the place im thinks maybe i have stepped in the the partial brewing field

Not quite sure to be honest. Sounds like you are making hard work for yourself. For a partial you need two pots, a kilo or two of grain, a tin of unhopped malt extract and some hops. You mash the grain in a pot with 2.5 - 3 litres of water per kilo of grain at say (middle of the road) 65 for 60 mins. Wrap the pot in a towel to keep the pot temp stable. You drain/strain the resulting liquid (wort) from the pot and then add another few litres of water at 78 to the mash, stir and leave for 10 mins. Drain this wort into the first pot aswell. Bring this to the boil and add your hops at stages i.e. 60, 30, 15 and 0 mins. Add your tin of unhopped malt to the pot with 15 mins to go. Chill in a tub of ice cold water, pour into your fermenter and then top up with cold water and pitch yeast. Easy as that really.
Thanks for the replys

normally the kilo of grains are chocolate and or black grains as for now i have not used any crystal. i usually after removin the grain i will boil it for 60 mins while adding my hops 60 mins 15 mins and flame out for 10 to 15 mins then put in fermenter

thanks for the that its follows pretty much what i do but instead of infussion mash i leave the pot on the stove and turn on and off the gas burner to regulate temp

the extract malt im using is DLME should i boil this i have not been because i only have a 15 ltr pot and the the hot break and adding the hop to get the right SG fro hopping it would be very messy, so i just put it straight in to the fermentor and pour the boiling wort over the top

I know it doesnt really matter Im still making beer but Im just trying to track my progress and judge where im at

i eventurly want to go AG and a soon as i have finished my kegerator i will be looking at that but i want to do it in stages not just see if i sink or swim
and another great link that I used when I started AG'ing. This was my bible and still use the same technique now.



Edit follow the pics at the bottom of the first page.
Thanks for the replys

normally the kilo of grains are chocolate and or black grains as for now i have not used any crystal. i usually after removin the grain i will boil it for 60 mins while adding my hops 60 mins 15 mins and flame out for 10 to 15 mins then put in fermenter

the extract malt im using is DLME should i boil this i have not been because i only have a 15 ltr pot and the the hot break and adding the hop to get the right SG fro hopping it would be very messy, so i just put it straight in to the fermentor and pour the boiling wort over the top

No problem. The way I read it was that you were pouring the extracted liquid straight in the fermenter without the boil. the grains you are talking about would only need to be steeped not mashed. Therefore what you are doing is extract brewing with specialty grains. Linky.
You don't need to boil the whole amount of DLME, just enough to get good hop utilization. When I do partials on the kitchen stove I use a 13lt pot and do a 9lt boil with enough malt to try and match my pre-boil volume to the OG. This kind of prepares me for AG. If you aim for a boil gravity of 1040, you will get good hop extraction. I add the rest of the LDME at the end of the boil just to dissolve it easier.

I have also been working in stages to get a good grounding in brewing. So far this is how it has looked; K&K
K&K + better yeast
Extract with specialty grains.
Partails, small boils
1 AG
Partail, ful boil.

Some good, some ordinary. A good journey all the same.

thanks for you imput and help guys

steve i will have alook at those link