Oh snap, this **** just keeps getting better....
Okay, some background will be required for this to make sense...
My parents divorced years ago (think 22 years ago) and have both remarried, us 3 as kids lived with mum and our stepdad (who I now refer to as dad and have changed my surname to suit), my brother decided at the age of 14 to go live with my biological father and his wife, naturally this cause a rather large split in the family........
Okay, fast forward to now.
Last night my brothers wife kicked my mother out of her house, purely because said wife tried to make it all about her and why isn't he thinking about how this is affecting her....My mother who has lost thousands in dropping clients this week to help said SIL deal with this, help her with all the paperwork for insurance etc, work out how to keep their businesses alive so they have income, and been her emotional rock all week. To add insult to injury, she then told my mother that my biological father's wife has been more of a mother than she is (trust me, that woman is the antichrist)......
End result I now get to deal with my mother losing her ****, a new family feud and trying to play pleasant person in the middle......
Starting to realise why I never lifted the phone....