Vista Beer Sidebar/gadgets

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Doctor's Orders Brewing
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I've had the unpleasure of being migrated from SUSE Linux to Microsoft Vista on my work notebook.
One of Vistas built in features is the Sidebar, which is basically the old Konfabulator product from memory.

I was thinking it would be cool to have a Beer Gadget for the SideBar.

It could work like this:
- Each day when you startup you put in the time you plan on finishing for the day. The Gadget displays an empty beer glass and it starts to fill during the day until the specified leave time at which point the glass will be full and a sound alarm goes off informing it is Beer O'Clock.

- It should have an option that you can hit the emergency beer/pub lunch button so it fills instantly as you head out for a liquid lunch.

- If you were to use transparent PNG files (like in the recipe DB) you could choose your colour of beer for the day, or have it random.

- Maybe different glass types to choose from

Thoughts ?
Has anyone written a Konfabulator/Sidebar gadget ?

How about a AusseHomeBrewer specific gadget for Vista? Showing the latest topics etc etc. You should be able to do this with a generic RSS one, but an AusseHomeBrewer specific one would be great.

It could work like this:
- Each day when you startup you put in the time you plan on finishing for the day. The Gadget displays an empty beer glass and it starts to fill during the day until the specified leave time at which point the glass will be full and a sound alarm goes off informing it is Beer O'Clock.

Love the idea.

Or you could just have a picture of a full glass ... so it's always bo'c :beer:

"you're an idea's man doc"

wasn't really lookin foward to the shift into vista but atleast now i've got something to look foward too...
Doc, a couple of guys here have perfected the art of including a Flash item in the Vista sidebar. That could open up the possibility of either borrowing (read stealing) or creating a flash animation of a beer glass, then incorporating that into the sidebar??

Just a thought... cheers.
Sounds awesome, I was thinking of getting Vista for my laptop; I'm enjoying lower amounts of clutter in the new Office.

Surely someone on here is proficient with flash and has some spare time... at work :)
Believe me it is killing me. No Compiz with Desktop Effects for a starter. Having a single workspace is a real PITA.


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