Unhappy camper
Okay guys, due to a lack of time, and a bunch of other commitments, I'm going to have to pull out of this one. I'm not even going to be able to make it on the day, which bums me out, as I am partial to char-grilled animal, liquid refreshment and slurred banter.
A thousand apologies, hopefully I can make it up at the summer case swap.
1. Manticle - Wee Heavy (no longer a SMASH)
2. Charst – Saison by the look of it (HomeBrew world falling apart)
3. Fikuss – Dunkelweißen
4. Meathead
6. breakbeer - Black Nelson IPA
7. Vitalstatistix
8. bullsneck - ESB
9. Wolfman
10. Shane R - Black Saison
11. Yob - English something bastardised (WY1318)
12. Midnight Brew
13. DarkFaerytales - Belgian Dark Ale - wyeast 1762
14. Damn - Belgian Strong
15. Edak - Pirates American IPA
16. Kahlerisms (tentative)
17. GrumpyPaul - Cherry Ripe Porter
18. Shane S
19. Grainer - Hoegarrten wannabe
20. micbrew - Stone &Wood Pacific Ale
21. JB
22. technobabble66
Non beer swapping attendees
1. Lecterfan (bloody good chance of getting there this time!!!)
2. Fents
3. Wakkatoo - if Lecterfan ends up making it, I'll share the drive from the 'rat with him.
Swap Day Purchases
1. Edak. Perlick and 1 keg
2. Manticle. Gas bottle and 1 keg
3. Yob. 1 keg
4. Darkfaerytale. 1 keg
A thousand apologies, hopefully I can make it up at the summer case swap.
1. Manticle - Wee Heavy (no longer a SMASH)
2. Charst – Saison by the look of it (HomeBrew world falling apart)
3. Fikuss – Dunkelweißen
4. Meathead
6. breakbeer - Black Nelson IPA
7. Vitalstatistix
8. bullsneck - ESB
9. Wolfman
10. Shane R - Black Saison
11. Yob - English something bastardised (WY1318)
12. Midnight Brew
13. DarkFaerytales - Belgian Dark Ale - wyeast 1762
14. Damn - Belgian Strong
15. Edak - Pirates American IPA
16. Kahlerisms (tentative)
17. GrumpyPaul - Cherry Ripe Porter
18. Shane S
19. Grainer - Hoegarrten wannabe
20. micbrew - Stone &Wood Pacific Ale
21. JB
22. technobabble66
Non beer swapping attendees
1. Lecterfan (bloody good chance of getting there this time!!!)
2. Fents
3. Wakkatoo - if Lecterfan ends up making it, I'll share the drive from the 'rat with him.
Swap Day Purchases
1. Edak. Perlick and 1 keg
2. Manticle. Gas bottle and 1 keg
3. Yob. 1 keg
4. Darkfaerytale. 1 keg