Hop to it
Sat 27th July
1. Manticle - Wee Heavy (no longer a SMASH)
2. Charst – Saison by the look of it (HomeBrew world falling apart)
3. Fikuss – Dunkelweißen
4. Meathead
5. WarmBeer
6. breakbeer - Black Nelson IPA
7. Vitalstatistix
8. bullsneck - ESB
9. Wolfman
10. Shane R - Black Saison
11. Yob - English something bastardised (WY1318)
12. Midnight Brew
13. DarkFaerytales - Belgian Dark Ale - wyeast 1762
14. Damn
15. Edak - Pirates American IPA
16. Kahlerisms (tentative)
17. GrumpyPaul - Cherry Ripe Porter
18. Shane S
19. Grainer - Hoegarrten wannabe
20. micbrew - Stone &Wood Pacific Ale
21. JB
22. technobabble66
Non beer swapping attendees
1. Lecterfan (bloody good chance of getting there this time!!!)
2. Fents
3. Wakkatoo - if Lecterfan ends up making it, I'll share the drive from the 'rat with him.
Swap Day Purchases
1. Edak. Perlick and 1 keg
2. Manticle. Gas bottle and 1 keg
3. Yob. 1 keg
4. Darkfaerytale. 1 keg
1. Manticle - Wee Heavy (no longer a SMASH)
2. Charst – Saison by the look of it (HomeBrew world falling apart)
3. Fikuss – Dunkelweißen
4. Meathead
5. WarmBeer
6. breakbeer - Black Nelson IPA
7. Vitalstatistix
8. bullsneck - ESB
9. Wolfman
10. Shane R - Black Saison
11. Yob - English something bastardised (WY1318)
12. Midnight Brew
13. DarkFaerytales - Belgian Dark Ale - wyeast 1762
14. Damn
15. Edak - Pirates American IPA
16. Kahlerisms (tentative)
17. GrumpyPaul - Cherry Ripe Porter
18. Shane S
19. Grainer - Hoegarrten wannabe
20. micbrew - Stone &Wood Pacific Ale
21. JB
22. technobabble66
Non beer swapping attendees
1. Lecterfan (bloody good chance of getting there this time!!!)
2. Fents
3. Wakkatoo - if Lecterfan ends up making it, I'll share the drive from the 'rat with him.
Swap Day Purchases
1. Edak. Perlick and 1 keg
2. Manticle. Gas bottle and 1 keg
3. Yob. 1 keg
4. Darkfaerytale. 1 keg