Vegie Garden Spring/summer Harvest Brag Thread

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First 8 large jars out of the pressure cooker. Each jar serves two meals. 5 small jars in the pressure cooker still.

Bottled 70kg of pome fruit and tomatoes over my xmas break, have always wondered what to do with the corn. Do you simply cut the kernals off the cob, place in the jar and fill with water before cooking?

where's the best p[lace to get preserving jar gear from?

the mother in law had heaps of that stuff but ditched it all when she moved over from NZ casue she saisd she couldnt get the right matching lids or something.

anyway, so where the best place? we will be doing a fair amount of preserving i recon when the garden is up and running
Well it seems not only do i stand corrected but i will now have to eat my own words.

I missed a few zucchinis at the small stage i pick them and discovered 2 about 30cm long and 5cm in diameter.

Will either stuff them or use them as replacements for eggplant in moussaka.

Picking tomatoes, cucumbers and corn now. Rhubarb is almost ready. Pumpkins (qld blue and b/nut) are attempting to take over the veg patch and are setting fruit. And the broccolini is doing something. Looks like its going to seed but since it only just went in i don't know. Never grown it before - any ideas?

And yes, Bribie, i did live in County Durham. I had a hard enough time trying to understand what they were saying with their accents only to discover they were speaking bloody french.

Courgettes, mange tout.

For a country that apparently dislikes the french you have a funny way of showing it. :lol:
Dug me spuds last weekend. Not a great crop this year. I usually grow Dutch creams which I know do really well plus one other variety that looks interesting. That way I know I'll get a reasonable crop even if the unknown one fails. This year I planted 2 unknown varieties.- Cranberry red (which has red flesh) and Simpatico. The reds did great. The sympaticos produced about 3 spuds. Very disappointing and the worst yield I have even had from a spud.

I love me spuds. They are the most efficient way of turning land into carbs in the world.

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You can see a few lonely sympaticos to the left (the slightly less red ones).

Always interesting to see how far ahead season wise the mainland states are. My spuds are still a fair way from digging.
If you are looking for an interesting potato species to grow then Kipfler a worth a look. Probably the best spuds around. Only problem they produce quite a few smalls so you tend to get a fair crop of volunteers next season

Always interesting to see how far ahead season wise the mainland states are. My spuds are still a fair way from digging.
If you are looking for an interesting potato species to grow then Kipfler a worth a look. Probably the best spuds around. Only problem they produce quite a few smalls so you tend to get a fair crop of volunteers next season


Yep. I've grown Kipflers before. They do quite well. Pink fir do well too. And yes, they do produce a lot of smalls.

So far I've grown about 10 varieties. I tend to do one well known and one new one each year.

Yep. I've grown Kipflers before. They do quite well. Pink fir do well too. And yes, they do produce a lot of smalls.

So far I've grown about 10 varieties. I tend to do one well known and one new one each year.


In a recent stupid radio program the question was
" How do you know you are Tasmanian?"
One of the answers was when you refer to potatoes by type, ie pass the Dutchies can you, or nice Brownells
I came up with a few other answers, not being born in Tas

A question for any of those that have knowledge of citrus trees, my green thumb amounts to planting seeds and if they grow, well n good unfortunately. I have a cumquat/calamansi tree about 1.5m high, it flowered early in summer, but the fruit is still very small (1cm) and a lot of the leaves have dropped pf and the ones that remain are a lime green rather than dark green colour. I gave it a good feed of citrus tree fertiliser before summer and it gets a water pretty well every day, I've even tried pissing on the ground near it as I heard this was good for citrus trees. Anyone have any ideas? my wife is asian and loves this fruit to make a condiment with soy sauce and chilli.


Could be a magnesium or epsom salt problem.....? Best to take a cutting to a proper garden store and have them look at it. Ask just for advice otherwise they will try and flog off to you all sorts of chemicals. Got a pic?
Bottled 70kg of pome fruit and tomatoes over my xmas break, have always wondered what to do with the corn. Do you simply cut the kernals off the cob, place in the jar and fill with water before cooking?



responded by PM as well, but take a look at

It is essentially what we do and it works great, instead of the mason jars referred to, we use old bertolli pasta sauce jars and either buy new lids or use the lid that comes with it one or two times more, make sure you tighten old lids down a little better than finger tight.

Hope this helps

Got my first pumkin today as it had dropped off the vine where it was growing 5 foot up the grape vines. I tapped it and it sounded hollow so thought all is good but when I cut into it, it had hard yellow flesh not orange. Bugger
Jarahdales are meant to have deep orange flesh.
So in the bin it went
Since my zucchini plants are producing twice as fast as my consumption i thought i would make some of my mothers zucchini salad.

Zucchini and onion soaked in brine for 3 hours. Drain then add sugar and vinegar and boil for a few minutes. Add spices/herbs, capsicum, kidney beans, cooked pasta and preserve at 95C for an hour in the HLT (mothers Vacola preserving urn).

Love this stuff with bbqs.


Just pulled my spuds, approx 80kg from 16 seed potatoes, best crop ever

3 of these containers full of Dutch cream beauties

I have two apple tree's, two manderin trees, grape vine, almond tree...and a passionfruit vine. The apple and manderin have fruit.

I know once the passionfruit vine flowers it should produce fruit. When does it flower?
I have two apple tree's, two manderin trees, grape vine, almond tree...and a passionfruit vine. The apple and manderin have fruit.

I know once the passionfruit vine flowers it should produce fruit. When does it flower?
the passvine should be flowering now. they are water hungry though. give it a good water and see if it flowers.
also to note. even hough a lot of passionfruit types are now unisex they still need pollination to occur before they produce fruit. with the lack of bees the last few years you may have to pollinate them yourself ie go around the flowers with a paint brush and lightly dab each of the flowers just to get some cross flower pollination happening.

thats the issue im having with bees to pollinate all the flowers i have.
My passionfruit has just finished fruiting. The last of the fruit fell off the vine last week. It was a bit of a weird crop this time round as ot came in 2 bursts. I think it was due to the changabel weather fooled the vine into thinking the seasons were changing. We had fruit ripening at the same time that flowers were just forming.
Im pretty sure that we usually get 2 crops per year, just cant remember exactly when the other crop is.
Another thing to remember is that flowers only form on new growth, so pruning is essential to get a decent crop.

Hope this helps

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Just pulled my spuds, approx 80kg from 16 seed potatoes, best crop ever

3 of these containers full of Dutch cream beauties


Wow. That's a really good crop. Mine never do that well. I think the humidity up here is a bit high for them. I'm also short of space so tend to plant a bit close together.

Best I have done is about 30kg from 10 seed spuds.

the passvine should be flowering now. they are water hungry though. give it a good water and see if it flowers.
also to note. even hough a lot of passionfruit types are now unisex they still need pollination to occur before they produce fruit. with the lack of bees the last few years you may have to pollinate them yourself ie go around the flowers with a paint brush and lightly dab each of the flowers just to get some cross flower pollination happening.

thats the issue im having with bees to pollinate all the flowers i have.

I saw that on better homes and gardens. Ill keep it in mind.

My passionfruit has just finished fruiting. The last of the fruit fell off the vine last week. It was a bit of a weird crop this time round as ot came in 2 bursts. I think it was due to the changabel weather fooled the vine into thinking the seasons were changing. We had fruit ripening at the same time that flowers were just forming.
Im pretty sure that we usually get 2 crops per year, just cant remember exactly when the other crop is.
Another thing to remember is that flowers only form on new growth, so pruning is essential to get a decent crop.

Hope this helps


So should I crop it now? I know nothing about gardening but brought a house with a massive garden. Should I fertlise it with anything?
Should I fertlise it with anything?


Passionfruit are what they call gross feeders. This means that the answer to the question "should I give it some food" is always yes.
Anyone have any ideas for some pot grown veggies to be planted for autumn? Think i can get away with Carrots or will they all end up conjoined?? Leeks maybe?

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