Us05 Asleep?

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Took a punt and put down a kit using US 05 and no heating. I had it stashed away in a bar fridge (running off a fridgemate which only ran for a while on the first arv to bring it down the last few deg to 18) to ferment and it has been about 6 days without any heating. The night before last the beer got down to 15 deg overnight and so as a precaution I did a SG reading yesty morn and it was on 1012. My plan was to get another reading today and maybe not worry about heating however, this morn it had a temp of 13 deg. I finally gave my brew belt a run on the fridgemate and now have it back up to 18 deg.

Ok. My question for anyone who has read on to now is- how long does it take for the yeasties that are US05 to get sleepy and drop out? Will I have a chance to keep any awake in the short space of time from last night's 13 deg to today's 18 deg?

I am expecting around 1011/12 FG anyways but I wanna make sure it's over with before I bottle.

In my experience, US-05 will still keep running at 13C. It's a hardy one but of course it'll work more slowly at those temperatures. They won't go to sleep in that amount of time. I'd just leave it alone till next weekend and bottle it then. The extra time is only going to help the beer and will make sure it's really finished as well.
Give it a swirl.

3 days at same sg = bottle.

You know the drill!


I'm hearin ya but my main concern was that it may have given me a consistent reading over a few days but still not be finished-just sleeping.
Firstly, what was the kit and what did you use with it, secondly what was your OG. I would say if you were expecting the FG of 1012 then there's a 90% it would be done, but I agree, you want to make sure, nobody like bottle bombs
In my experience, US-05 will still keep running at 13C. It's a hardy one but of course it'll work more slowly at those temperatures. They won't go to sleep in that amount of time. I'd just leave it alone till next weekend and bottle it then. The extra time is only going to help the beer and will make sure it's really finished as well.


cheers Ross
Depending on what you want, but i have been told that US-05 has a tendency to create a bit of diacytal at lower temps and that in the last part of fermentation to bring it up to 20 and it will get rid of that.

As far as sleeping yeast, i live in canberra and have an APA in the keg at the moment that spent most of its time at about 16, and as low as 13. i used hot water bottles over night to keep the temps up and it just took a little bit longer to get to my FG. I did raise the temps to 20 in the last couple of days to make sure that it had finished.
Thanks all for the response. I checked it this morning and it has dropped a couple more points so all is well. I will still leave it ayway as the weekend is over which means my bottling will be in the cold of night or a rushed job after work. Neither of these options take my fancy at the moment so am happy to wait.
Incidently this will be the first time that I have not bottled within a couple days of FG so I am keen to see if there is any difference. From what I have read on here it is better to leave for a while anyhow but up to now have usually just been in a hurry to bottle in fear of spoiling. Learn something new almost everyday thanks to this site and it's members.
Don't worry about spoilage too much. Ive left brews for over 3 weeks (25 days) and they have just turned out really clear and not at all spoilt

Don't worry about spoilage too much. Ive left brews for over 3 weeks (25 days) and they have just turned out really clear and not at all spoilt


So just leave at 18 deg for the next week or drop it down?
I live in Kanbeera and the best my shed gets to at this time of yera is 10C.
I ferment in a chest freezer with a Craftbrewer Temp controller and about 52 litres of wort.
The controller is set to chill at over 21C, the ferment (with ale yeasts and even at this time of year) sits at 20C for about 3 days and then drops, I use this as mt indicator that fermentation has finished (clearly it has) I take an FG as a matter of course but am strongly of the belief that once a yeast has finished thats it, your beer may less or more attenuated than you may have wished but sorry dorothy thats the way it goes.
Just as a reference point at this tome of year in Kanbeera with no temperature control my chest frezzer with 55 litres of fermenting wort will hit 28C and above....

So just leave at 18 deg for the next week or drop it down?

My beers have been fermenting at around 16-17'C over winter so i say just wrap it in a blanket or towel to get it to around those temperatures. This way, you know that the us05 will be working (from memory it works as low as 15'C) but if it hasnt finished fermenting, it wont release any unwanted flavours

The us05 at those low temps will come out very clean, so i say just let it sit for 5-7 days and let it clear up and you will have urself a delicious beerie :icon_cheers:


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