Us Vs Oz Judging Results

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Dodging the Crocs at Kewarra Beach

I recently submitted a Hefe Weizen for judging in a US competition run by the Denver brewing club. The beer is one that got a first in category in the NSW comp and fourth (by a point) in the nationals. Whilst the beer arrived too late ( getting through US customs was not fun) to make the US comp, I asked them to judge it any way so we could get a comparison of standards between Oz and the US judging standards.

The comparative results were as follows:

NSW State results: 40.5, 38.5, 36.5 (BJCP basis)
Nationals: 41, 42, 36, (non BJCP)
Denver: 34, 34, 35. (BJCP Basis)

One of the factors involved is the age of the Beer by the time it was judged in the US and any travel impact. The National judging system awards more maximum points for appearance ( 5 v3) than the BJCP and less maximum points for Aroma ( 10 v 12) than the BJCP. For other factors the maximum points are the same.

IMHO, the real difference in the judging was in the quality of comment aimed at helping the brewer improve technique. The US comments were more detailed that the Oz State comp and well ahead of the Nationals.

My impression from the comments is that by and large, the Oz judges (who judged my beer) are close to, if not equal technically to the US judges, but we need to be a more professional and helpful to comp entrants. Legible comments would be a good start.

The Denver club is going to submit my B sample to another US comp in March. I hope there is a category for aged wheat beer.


Well done, Chris, to get this comparison for us.

It's true that Hefeweizen does not age well. Now U can see why the Germans filter and bottle with lager help the beer's shelf life. Maybe do this for next comp?

Seth :p
Any chance you could show us the comments from all 3?
I dont have a problem showing all the comments.

I'll prepare a table in word and try pasting it into this topic. Unless there is a better way to do it (Doc ? ). Give me a day or two to pull it together.

Scan in the forms Tseay, or take a photo of them and post them into the topic.

Just following up on this. Any luck with getting a digital copy for us Tseay?