U Brew It keg storage

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Beer Embalmer
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South of Adelaide
I have read numerous comments that support the storage of purged or carbonated kegs at room temperature however have noted that U Brew It state that as the beer you produce at their facilities is preservative and chemical free the kegs must be kept cold. As they carbonate the kegs for you and keep them in a cool room until collected are they just protecting their quality reputation because they don't know how you would store the kegs?
You may well be right there Yob. My lad was doing 50 litre kegs with them and you could pick the keg up at 14 days that had the beer filtered, kegged, chilled and then carbed up. Perhaps a bit soon/rushed?

Under there logic does that mean the Coopers naturally brewed ales I see being delivered on open trucks in 38 degree plus temperatures is just crap?
I thought it was more to do with putting in bottles and the possibility of bottle bombs.
HAha, found this on another U Brew It​ site, this is for kegs also. Does this mean they don't ensure fermentation is complete, ie perhaps using time fermenting rather than a hydrometer to ensure completion.

"After you get your beer home from U-Brew It, it needs to be kept cold in a fridge to avoid any re-fermentation should any yeast get through the filtration system. Because at U-Brew It, we do not add any chemicals or preservatives to guard against re-fermentation. This is a safe guard to protect your beer."
AAUI they stop the fermentation at a given gravity, so it's not completely finished. From tasting a mate's beers from there, I'd have to agree. Terrible.
That's pathetic, so you can't do extra kegs or bottles and store for back up unless you have your own cool room or extra fridges.
be cheaper to get a couple of tin's of extract and make your own..you then have the quality control,at $65+ for swap and go keg a fwk would cheaper also
Swap & Go' Kegs of Beeat home - beer starting at $65.00!

'Swap & Go' Kegs of Beer - for those that
Very true, my son only did due to work and overtime issues, ie time poor. Tried to convert him, but lot easier to come around here and drink mine.
From the few that ive tasted from the one near me i think they use ale yeast for their lager "clones". If they do use lager yeast then they are doing something seriously wrong.
Except for overcarbonation risk I don't see any issue with storing the kegs at room temp, and allowing them to ferment out completely. Or am I missing something? I assume it wouldn't ferment by much, if they missed their FG target it would typically only be a few points' worth (maybe .5% ABV?)

Don't get me wrong, it's pretty poor form to use cold storage to "finish" fermentation, but the kegs could be stored warm by periodically checking pressure and releasing when necessary. Just requires a regulator.
mtb said:
Just requires a regulator.
Not even, just a gauge

0.5% is enough to double the CO2 volume, assuming it's carbed at say 2.2 vols that percentage could easily add as much CO2.

Like you say though bleed it burp it all would be fine.

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