Tooheys Red Recipe?

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Does anyone have a tooheys red recipe? Can't get enough of the stuff.
Any method AG, Partial, knk.
Everybodies tastes are different...

Though it is a craftbrewing site! It still surprises me people want to copy a beer!

Look into the style of beer and go from there.

What is Tooheys Red anyhow? :icon_cheers:
I can't imagine anybody going, Hey let's make our own beer, and then become a beer drinker.
It's always going to be - drink beer, drink more beer, hey let's make our own beer.

So it shouldn't be a surprise that new brewers join here with the idea of copying something they already drink,
at least they know it's drinkable and they like it. The route to home brewing is always going to be
"How do I make this or that"

When I started brewing my 'dream' was to make my own Coopers Sparkling Ale. After 4 years on this site
I now would rate the commercial beer as about 4/10 on my personal beer scale. I have been introduced to the
huge and wonderful world of craft beer.
As Donald Rumsfeld said,'There are unknown unknowns, that's to say things that you don't even know that you don't know.'
Now that I've joined this site I know that there's a whole heap I don't know about making beer.
You are probably better off to keep buying the 30 can slabs HappyFlem.
Oh come on, it's alright!

To be quite honest I wouldn't think to many would agree with you. I had a session on toohey's red many years ago and woke up next day with the greatest hangover known to mankind. I think you might be hard pressed to find a recipe that would come close to this poison and IMO it shouldn't be allowed to be sold as a beverage.

SWMBO and I used to drink this about 6 years ago when she was on the dole and I was working minimum wage. This post brings up horrid memories when we could afford only to drink this horrid crap. About $26.99 per 30 case. To make matters worse we had a 4 can per person daily limit :blink: .

oh dear, there I go again...revealing too much about myself.

Ha Ha :ph34r:

I used my Googlefu and came up with this - Red Recipe . Third one across. (looks horrible!)


Skip the dry enzyme, that stuff is nasty I reckon!

Just remember though, that this isn't going to come out 'just like' your target beer, so don't get your expectations up too high, although you should be able to make a drinkable session beer, and it is probably better and better for you than the original, if the other posts on it are to be believed (never tried it myself).

Since going to AG, I haven't had a commercial beer other than a Coopers Paley or Stout, and I am a bit thankful for that, but everyone almost without exception gets into home brewing because they want to emulate a beer they drink, and most people drink the beers from the large mega brewers, so please give the OP a break if his palate is used to Tooheys beers.

It took me some time, but I used to drink West End Draught before getting into homebrew :icon_vomit: , so there is hope for anyone to come to the dark side along with the rest of us!

I took a carton of the red camping about 8 years ago. In those days it was a 4.6% ABV beer, much along the same lines as the XXXX draught which sadly is now discontinued. It wasn't a bad beer at all. Then later on I was going to buy some and noticed that the bastards had dropped the ABV to 4% so I haven't touched a drop of it since. They did the same thing with Hahn Ice which started off as a 5.2% brew when they brought it out in 94 and now it's a 4.2% shadow of its former self.

As for a recipe, I'd probably go for a can of Tooheys from the supermarket and a kilo of Brew improver 2, would probably hit the same spot.
Haven't had one for years. I think a trip down memory lane could be the go (along with the WE draught - how could I forget that?), but getting a longneck of course. Gotta get something positive out of the experience.
Do you reckon it'll taste better out of a Leffe glass? :icon_cheers:
I suspect the OP is joking, but Tooheys red is cheap enough that it'd almost be cheaper to buy it than brew it (by the time you account for bottles, cleaning products, power etc.).
Does anyone have a tooheys red recipe? Can't get enough of the stuff.
Any method AG, Partial, knk.

Never tried it but I'd say a can of Tooheys draught, 1x bag of brew enhancer, a saflager yeast and that'd be pretty close wouldn't it?
A can of Coles Lager + 1kg white sugar + lager yeast would be closer. A brew enhancer would make it too malty and the FG too high.

Do you reckon it'll taste better out of a Leffe glass? :icon_cheers:
Hhhmmmm, aaahhhhhh, hmmmmmmm ...................................................... NO!!!!!
Ahhh....Toohey's Red - my old beer of choice while out on dollar drink thursday nights while at Uni. :beerbang:

The memories, or lack thereof....

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