Too Much Head

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Never thought I would say that.. :rolleyes:
Link is to a picture of my Kegerator..
I had it pouring right at the start but didnot think it was faster enough all I get is head and have to wait till it settles.before I can drink it. I am now not sure which way is down or open..whenever i turn it right down (or what I asume is right down)
it has "a" what sounds like an overlaod and gas comes out.. What should I do ..I have tried turning it right off and then releasing air from regulator but it doesnot help.. please please tell me what to do.. And which way is off... there is a picture of the regulator and the gas the link.. Cheers,,,
turn the reg right down, I'll assume it's in kpa, so lets try 30Kpa.

Then burp a keg until you hear gas going into the keg (i.e there is no gas in the headspace of the keg).

Now try and pour (first pour a 100ml into a bucket, then move your glass under. If it's still nothing but head then you have over carbed beer.

Let us know what happens then we shold be able to help.

But by the look of the picy your beer lines are too short. There is a spreadsheet about balancing your system. For me 2Deg, 2 mtrs, 78 Kpa.

You have a micromatic reg, same as me. If you are turning the gas up and there is gas coming out of the reg as an "overload" as you put it, you must have it cranked up way too high. You may already realise this, but.. the reg has two dials, the dial on the right is the one you shift to adjust the pressure going into the keg for both carbonating and dispensing. Turning this dial clockwise will increase the pressure. The dial on the left lets you know how much gas you have left.

As mxd mentioned your beer lines are relatively short given your taps do not have flow regulators on them. Is it possible to increase the length of your beer line? I have the dispensing pressure set to about 75kpa, but i have taps with flow regulators on them and thus I have beer line about 50 cm. Also you mentioned you were not sure which way was up or down, if you have had it cranked up too far for too long, there is every likelihood that you have now overcarbonated your beer.

Dissolved carbon dioxide in beer will reach a dynamic equilibrium at a certain temperature and pressure. If you change either of these variables (temp or pressure) the level of CO2 will also change. Thus you may have increased the pressure and now its heady whereas before you mentioned it was OK. We can use this equilibrium to our advantage (if overcarbing is your problem) by taking the keg out of the fridge for a few hours. As the keg warms up, CO2 will come out of the beer and you can release the valve on the keg and let some gas out. Then put keg back in fridge and try again (but let the keg cool down again first).

Also what temp is the beer when it comes out/ temp of kegerator? If its by chance warmer than it should be, this could also be your problem. CO2 will come out of beer quite quickly (as I mentioned above) causing head issues

Keep us updated so we can assist

a reg control tap/knob is turned off when it's screwed all the way out[anticlockwise]if you "close" it as you would a tap you increase the pressure so youve put full gas pressure into your keg,turn off the gas burp the keg [pressure relief valve on top of keg]leave gas off and pour a beer or two until it wont pour then adjut gas presure to about 10psi then see how it pours,if still too heady gas off rock keg 10 secs release valve and try again til you get it how you want,then adj reg to your desired pouring pressure[usually 8-13psi range]if you have left the gas on at high pressue for too long you may have over carbed you brew hence the rocking to try and flatten the beer
same as Mattc said but a bit simpler[like me]damm I type slow
Thanks guys. Been workin overnights hence delay in my reply and wierd posting times . Have srewed regulaator right out...and taken keggs out willlet you know how it goes.Thank you..

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