Too Many Ideas To Start With...

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I'll try and keep this short, but after weeks of reading this forum and scouring the net for recipe ideas/tips/techniques etc, I am over-whelmed with ideas of where to start, and what to start with... I have a basic set up, understand most techniques in terms of K&K, Extract and Steeping Grains, however as I have not done any of them, I want to keep my first brew (aside from the old pour it all in the fermenter and wait) relatively simple so I can get the concept and techniques right.

I really want to start with something like Neills Centenarillo, which by the sounds of it will make a great drop. However should I try something without steeping grains to start with.? What about something like

This is my recipe I asked for help with earlier; would this be a good starting point?
1.5 kg Black Rock Unhopped Light LME [boil] - 43.5%
1.7 kg Coopers Australian Pale Ale Kit [end of boil] - 49.3%
0.25 kg Crystal Malt - 60L - 7.2%
20.00 gm Cascade NZ [7.80 %] (30 min)
20.00 gm Cascade NZ [7.80 %] (10 min)
20.00 gm Cascade NZ [7.80 %] (Dry Hop for 3 days secondary fermenter)
1 Pkgs Safale US-05 (Fermentis) Yeast-Ale

What about all this discussion over Toucan brews? Do this before I start with Extract? Leave the grain out until I am happy with the process of doing a small boil with Hops and DME?

While I am pretty confident with the processes involved in any of these, would you guys recommend starting out simple, or jumping in a bit and hope that I dont stuff anything up too much.

Any help, greatly appreciated!
I dunno Salt, you say you want to keep your first brew simple, then plan on doing a bit of almost everything.

It should be fine just take your time, prepare well and make sure you have the time and space to run start to finish.

Best of luck :icon_chickcheers:
Hahaha Yum Beer, yeah you're right it does come across that way...

I think as you say, take time, plan it out and it should be sweet.

I think I will attempt something without grain to start with, and use a Kit and Some DME, with a small boil and one type of hop. Once I am happy with that, I definitely want to give Neills recipe a go, sounds like the kind of Beer I like to drink.

I'll try and keep this short, but after weeks of reading this forum and scouring the net for recipe ideas/tips/techniques etc, I am over-whelmed with ideas of where to start, and what to start with... I have a basic set up, understand most techniques in terms of K&K, Extract and Steeping Grains, however as I have not done any of them, I want to keep my first brew (aside from the old pour it all in the fermenter and wait) relatively simple so I can get the concept and techniques right.

I really want to start with something like Neills Centenarillo, which by the sounds of it will make a great drop. However should I try something without steeping grains to start with.? What about something like

This is my recipe I asked for help with earlier; would this be a good starting point?
1.5 kg Black Rock Unhopped Light LME [boil] - 43.5%
1.7 kg Coopers Australian Pale Ale Kit [end of boil] - 49.3%
0.25 kg Crystal Malt - 60L - 7.2%
20.00 gm Cascade NZ [7.80 %] (30 min)
20.00 gm Cascade NZ [7.80 %] (10 min)
20.00 gm Cascade NZ [7.80 %] (Dry Hop for 3 days secondary fermenter)
1 Pkgs Safale US-05 (Fermentis) Yeast-Ale

What about all this discussion over Toucan brews? Do this before I start with Extract? Leave the grain out until I am happy with the process of doing a small boil with Hops and DME?

While I am pretty confident with the processes involved in any of these, would you guys recommend starting out simple, or jumping in a bit and hope that I dont stuff anything up too much.

Any help, greatly appreciated!

You seem to have already done the research and understand the theory. Are you a practicle type person where most projects work out well, or the one who is garanteed to knock something over on brew day? If you are ok, I say jump in and make the brew as planned. It will end up nicer than a simple kit or a toucan; and lets face it really the process is not that difficult.

Remember cleaning and sanatisation are extremely important for a good brew. Also make sure you get the fermenting temps correct and stable. I think if you follow your recipe you will end up with an awesome beer.

Thanks a heap QldKev, will take your advice...I'd like to think I am pretty practile and organised so will give this a go...!
IMO... you're using malt extract and boiling hops for 30 mins ... might as well toss the kit and go to full extract.

20L pot from BigW .. boil size as low as 10L if you're stove can handle any more... strain it all into fermentor with a fine sieve.. add chilled water until its 18-22C and pitch.
QldKev has it right: Cleaning and sanitization. These need to be your biggest points of focus. Get into a good routine there and it will pay dividends down the road.

Also, remember while boiling up your wort: Its simply sugar water with some weeds thrown in. Dont overcomplicate things (I'm guilty of that my first brew) and you'll be ok.

Seems like you did your research so you have that going for you.

Good luck!
Cheers mate, thanks for the advice...

I hear you on the cleaning and sanitizing...definately need to ensure this practise is followed.

Im going to go with Neills Centenarillo PA for a start. Why not.

Im sure that it will be far superior that my normal Kit and Brew Enhancer with kit yeast...even if its not spot on.

Im loving this many ideas and great advice from fellow brewers.


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